3. Beyond the Reef

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- Ryonan's POV -

I smacked the back of Aonung's head, "Go get yourself cleaned up idiot." I said and he nodded sadly. Aonung got himself cleaned up and left to go to his friends. I rolled my eyes.

I went out for a ride with Soul when I heard Aonung's yipping. I saw Lo'ak with them which made me feel concerned. They all rode off but this time, I paid no attention.

- a few hours later -

I was by the shore, sitting in the water and looking for seashells. That was when I heard Aonung and his friends laughing. Suspiciously, I didn't hear Lo'ak at all so when I looked at them, he wasn't there.

I gasped lightly, "Lo'ak.... AONUNG" I got up and rushed towards them, "AONUNG." I shouted and pushed him which made his friends quiet. He rolled his eyes, "What now sis?" He asked.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, where is Lo'ak?" I asked hastily. "...what do you mean sis? Lo'ak wasn't with us"

"Don't lie to me Aonung!" I yelled and pushed him again, "Just tell him cuz.." I heard Rotxo mutter. I looked at him and then Aonung again, "...Look, we went past the reef" He muttered.

"..what?" I asked, not believing what I was hearing. "We went past the reef and we left Lo'ak there" Rotxo told me but louder.

"How long has he been out there" I asked, "We went out a few hours ago.."

My fists clutched up into balls. I grabbed Aonung's hair and started pushing him towards the village, "Ow- Ryonan that hurts! Let go sis-"

I pulled his hair to get him to stop, "You will tell Jake Sully what you did. I will get Tonowari to know what you did to give you a punishment" I told him.

"No sis! It was just a joke, I swear!" He tried pleading. "A JOKE? There are animals out there that can KILL him Aonung. I'm so tired of having to deal with your bullshit every day" I hissed.

"Sis please!!" Aonung tried again, Neteyam saw what was happening and ran up to me, "What's going on?" He asked, "Where is your father?" I asked back.

"What?" He said, "bring me to Toruk Makto, Neteyam." I ordered and he just brought me to his father with no more questions.

Jake Sully and Kiri were by the water, hearing me coming, they turned around. I pushed Aonung forward, "Tell him, Tell him what you did" I demanded.

- 30 minutes later -

They found Lo'ak with only a few scratches, but other then that he was fine. Lo'ak said that it wasn't Aonung's fault which brought me to confusion.

I walked past them, "You brought shame to this family" I heard from Jake, those words almost piercing through my heart. "...can I go now" Lo'ak asked, this was when I knew I should stop listening.

I left, going deeper to the forest. I walked through the glowing jungle, animals chittering and the nice cool breeze running through. I kept walking until I walked upon the little treehouse. I looked up at it and smiled. I haven't been back here since I was 11.. it's been 4 years.

I climbed up and it wasn't so dusty nor dirty. The treehouse itself wasn't that big. In one side of the room, there were 3 hammocks on top of each other. One corner there was a table with 3 chairs, and toys scattered upon it. In the other corner, there were books that I went to go pick up. One of the books being a book on english, not Na'vi. I know how to speak english, not only Na'vi. A gift from Eywa herself, I guess.

I laid down on the top hammock. I was on the top, Tsireya in the middle, then Aonung on the bottom. We used to come here all the time as kids. I sighed, thinking about what Jake Sully had said.

"You bring sh-"

"SHAME TO THIS FAMILY!" My father, Tey'un yelled at me, throwing things at the wall. "Father!" I shouted as tears ran down my cheeks. He aimed an arrow at me, shooting it past my face which cut my cheek. I wailed and fell to my knees. "Your grandmother is what corrupted you. My own flesh and blood.. YOU HAVE BEEN TAINTED BY A DEVIL'S POWER! You do not belong in this home- YOU ARE NOT MY DAUGHTER" My mother, Wa'al screamed at my face, making me cry harder.

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!" I sobbed. Father huffed with anger, "Get out of this house." He grabbed my arm roughly and started pulling me out. "NO!" I screamed, trying to pull away. He yanked me harder, "THAT HURTS" I wailed. Tears flooded my eyes, it was all blurry.

We made it outside and due to the screaming, all the families went outside to see what was going on. My pregnant mother walking out behind us, anger filling her eyes.

I struggled and thrashed against my fathers hold, "Let- GO!" I kicked him off which made he grunt, and enraged. I held my arm away and saw the look on my father's face. I was terrified. He slapped me.. hard. I fell to the ground, and gasps scattered the crowd.

"Tey'un." A voice boomed which caught everyone's attention. Our chief, Ikeyni stepped forward. He looked at me on the ground, then looked at my father, "What is the meaning of this?" He asked. "This girl- Our dear Olo'eyktan. This girl has demon powers flowing throughout her. She cannot stay here!" My mother pleaded.

I glared at my father with tears still in my eyes. His expression changed the minute he made eye contact with me. He grabbed my bow and threw it on the ground next to me which broke it, "NO!" I screamed and immediately picked up the broken bow.

I clenched it, "Grandmother.." I whispered. The ground shook, making some people fall. The trees cracked and shook, some falling. After a few seconds it all stopped and I let go of the bow, letting out a sob. "Tainted by the devil, as you can see. She is not Tayrangi." Father said and this is what convinced Ikeyni.

"Little girl, you must go. You cannot stay here" Ikeyni said and told me to stand up to which I did, "I am sorry" He whispered to me and he lightly started to pull me away. This time, I didn't resist. I went and we made it to the edge of the village. I whistled, and my Ikran, Apollo, came. I got on him and Ikeyni tried helping me up but I shook him off, "Don't touch me." I didn't spare a glance and immediately flew away.

The thought suddenly disappeared as I heard creeking at the door of the treehouse. I sat up to see Lo'ak. "Lo'ak?" I muttered and he gasped, looking at me, "Ryonan..? Oh shit, sorry. Is this your treehouse?" He asked sheepishly. I hopped down, "It's all good.. how are you feeling though? Again. I'm so sorry for Aonung." I stood in front of Lo'ak.

He chuckled lightly, "Don't worry" I looked at him, "What are you doing this deep in the jungle though?" I asked. "Uh.. just needed to get away from my family, especially Neteyam. He's my big bro, so he doesn't know when I need some space" He sighed.

I laughed, "I am the oldest too, I just care for my siblings too much." I admitted and I sat at the table. Lo'ak sat down too, "Why did you tell Tonowari that it wasn't Aonung's fault?" I asked and he shrugged, "It wasn't fully his fault.. and also, why do you call your father by his name?"

"Why do you call your father sir?" I asked since I heard him call Jake, 'sir' He looked away, "Since he's some warrior chief or whatever." He answered which I didn't actually expect him to. I hesitated, "Tonowari isn't actually my dad" I answered truthfully and kept my eye on him.

He turned to face me quickly, "Actually? Wait.. why do they call you their daughter then?" He asked but cut me off before I could respond, "No wait that was rude to ask, sorry" He spoke. I giggled softly, "It wasn't rude Lo'ak, don't worry. They took me in, my actual parents didn't want me" I said and he gave me a sad look.

"I know.. what it's like to be the shame of the family. You aren't a shame though, Lo'ak. You are smart.. strong. You have the ability to do great things, I can feel it!" I said in a way to cheer him up. He smiled, "Hey uh, wanna go for a ride on my Ikran..? It's a totally different feeling than riding an Ilu underwater, it's gonna be so cool I swear" He said.

I took a second to respond, "Yeah.. sure" I responded and we both got up, going down the treehouse and back to the village.

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