twenty-four - wheat in the water .

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TW: Violence, guns

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TW: Violence, guns.

Cool, morning air sent a chill down Rylee's spine as the HMS Pogue glided along the water. The sun was just starting to appear above the horizon, and no one was around for miles. Rylee sat on the bow of the boat, her arms wrapped tightly around her legs for warmth, struggling to keep her eyes open behind the sunglasses that perched on the bridge of her nose.

Rylee and JJ had spent almost the entire night at Rixon's Cove, trying to soak up every moment of their first date, drag it on as long as possible. Their first time together had been everything Rylee wanted it to be and more. They took their time, committing every feeling, every moment to memory. Afterwards, they sat up for hours and hours in front of the heat of the fire, just holding each other and talking.

When the flames began to die down and Rylee couldn't stop yawning, they had made their way back to the Château, where they had fallen into Rylee's bed, sleep suddenly the furthest thing from their minds. Their second time was more heated, more passionate. They had waited long enough to be together, and they didn't want to waste any time.

Rylee's eyes had only been closed for what felt like a few moments when JJ was stirring her, telling her they had to get ready to go and pick up Kiara and Sarah. Though Rylee hadn't wanted any part of the initial kidnapping plan, she did want to be part of the rescue efforts, if only to assure the girls she had nothing to do with it and make sure her best friend was still in one piece. She was hopeful that Kiara and Sarah would have worked out their differences, but she wasn't holding her breath. Plus, Pope had requested Rylee be there to make sure John B didn't damage anything on his dad's boat when messing with the engine.

"Let's go see if either of them are still alive," Pope had mumbled nervously as JJ and Rylee loaded onto the HMS Pogue.

The boys had stranded Kiara and Sarah further out than Rylee had thought, and she gave herself permission to begin to doze off. When she closed her eyes, however, visions of her night with JJ swam into her head and she found herself blushing, unable to help her lips from curving into a smile.

"JJ, how was your night last night?" John B asked in a suggestive tone.

"Couldn't have been that good if you ended up back at the Château with Ry," Pope added, he and John B snickering to each other.

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