fourteen - an eye for an eye .

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TW: Violence

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TW: Violence.

The sound of people moving around the Château stirred Rylee from her fitful sleep. Trying to blink the sleep out of her eyes, she turned onto her back and stared up at the ceiling. The Pogues had all made their way home after the celebratory dinner at The Wreck, Kiara and Pope heading back to their houses while John B, JJ, and Rylee planned on crashing at the Château. Though JJ had attempted to talk to Rylee a couple of times, she had shrugged him off. The feelings that she had had that night, wrapped in JJ's arms, looking into his eyes -- She had no idea where they had come from and definitely didn't know what to do with them. Had she just been wrapped up in the moment, excited over the possibility of finding gold, being one step closer? Or was it more?

A fist pounding on her door made her jump, sitting up straight and pulling the blanket up over her chest, "What?" She called out, annoyance in her voice.

"We're testing out the drone!" John B replied through the door, mirroring her tone in his own.

Rylee let out a long sigh, dropping back onto the bed. If she could stay here, wrapped in the blankets, shutting the rest of the world out, maybe it would all go away. She could forget about Barry and his money, her mom, the Touron, even the butterflies in her stomach when she thought about JJ.

After another ten minutes, Rylee rolled out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom to brush her teeth and apply some sunscreen. Once she was dressed in a clean bikini and a long t-shirt, she walked out to the pier where she could see Pope set up, looking at the drone's screen with JJ hunched behind him. As she approached, JJ reached out to fiddle with one of the gears on the ROV's control panel, only to have his hand slapped away by a focused Pope.

It was a cloudy day, thunder rolling through the gray skies. Another reason to stay in bed and hide, Rylee thought.

On the screen, Rylee watched John B's figure come into focus, waving and flashing thumbs up signs to the camera. Beside him, Kiara floated into frame as well. Rylee crossed her arms over her chest, walking up beside the boys and looking over Pope's shoulder, "Looks complicated," She commented dryly, before moving away from the monitor and standing by the railing instead.

till forever falls apart, jj maybank₁Where stories live. Discover now