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The sisters had elegant almond skin with bouncy curls exploding around their heads. Their brown eyes shone in the brilliant Florida sun as the girl in the passenger seat talked to him animatedly.

They had fled their private school after the announcements, George learned. Apparently the teachers were trying to put everyone into a school bus to travel west, and they decided they didn't want to spend their last hours on a stuffy school bus with smelly adolescents. They were on their way to meet up with their parents on the highway where everyone was crowding to get out of the state.

They talk about his videos and Dream's manhunts. How the promise of thirty minutes of getting to watch them helped them through their dreary school hours. Tears prick the corners of George's eyes as they offer solemn gratitude, dropping him off in front of the large house, staring up at it in awe.

"I'm glad you got to meet him before..." She trails off, looking up at the sky with a heavy exhale. Her sister hooks an arm around her, nodding a farewell at him. He swallows, sending her a heavy smile.

"Good luck. And thank you, both of you." His heart pounds with renewed vigor as he looks up at the house. They drive off, and George forces his legs forward. Before, he would have taken all the time in the world to get ready for it, even whip out his camera and film his friend's reactions for his fans.

He allows himself fifteen seconds. Fifteen seconds to close the longest chapter of his life. Fifteen seconds to prepare for his greatest and final days. Half-healed hands still aching from this morning disaster ring the doorbell tentatively. Sweat clings to his skin as George waits, ringing again impatiently when he doesn't hear any movement toward the door.

"Who the fuck is ringing the goddamn," The muffled words ring as clear as the cerulean sky he was admiring just an hour before, as the door swings open angrily.

The person before him, however, was more vibrant than the brightest blue. The warmth that clung to his skin burned with renewed fervor at the sight. Wheat-gold waves twirled and frizzed across his forehead, falling into his breathtaking eyes. Freckles dusted his cheeks, sprinkled across the tanned skin under his eyelashes. He was tall. So tall. Just shy of the doorframe.

He watches the anger fade as Dream processes who exactly was in front of him. His palm raises to his temple, tears springing to his eyes as he shakes his head, taking deep calming breaths. "Great. I'm going insane."

"You're not," Is all George is able to get out, trying hard not to pass out as he focuses on his beautiful sorrow-filled eyes. Dream hangs his head, laughing at himself. The brunette inches forward, hovering his hand over his best friend's. It takes every ounce of courage he has to look into his eyes, intertwining their fingers. "You're not."

Dream stares down at their hands.

George opens his arms, fully anticipating the air to be knocked straight out of him.

He was right. And it was the best thing that had ever happened to him. Everything was shimmery and euphoric in Dream's crushing embrace, his sobs mixing with George's in a perfect symphony of disbelief, and elation and love.

"How did you—how are you even, what? I can't–George you're," Dream forgets how to form words, so George places a gentle hand on his chest, waiting until the quick rising and falling of his chest calms down.

Anguish lodges in his throat as George remembers his harsh words. The words Dream believed were his last. "I'm so sorry." His arms encircle Dream's waist tightly, voice catching with every desperate apology. "I'm so sorry Dream, I'm sorry–"

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