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"And apparently Jeongguk is studying here"

Jisoo says looking at the school in front

"Well, it's not that fancy as I expected it to be"

Eunwoo shrugs

"The less fancy, the easier it is for us to sneak in"

Bambam confidently smiles making his way to the building passing the football field


The team cheer as their player successfully makes a goal

"That was an easy one, the opponent could have easily stopped it"

Bambam bluntly comments causing Eunwoo and Jisoo to sigh

"11 number was close but couldn't stop the goal, well that's the football team you have to deal with, not me"

Jisoo smacks Bambam and proceeds to walk away

"The things we have to deal with for you gguk"

Bambam sighs, Eunwoo smiles then smacks Bambam before rushing away


Bambam exhales before following them, well mainly Eunwoo because he is pretty scared of Jisoo


"Should we go to the coffee shop which opened recently?"

Jimin says as they walk to their locker

"Saya punya kamu?"

Hoseok asks causing Jimin to nod vigorously

"What does it mean?"

Jeongguk asks as they stop at their lockers 

"Don't know"

Jimin shrugs

Taehyung runs down the hallway with a paper in his hand

"Anyone wants to go to the school camp this weekend?"

Taehyung shoves the paper in Jeongguk's face

"You mean Jeongguk"

Jimin sasses

"NOooooOoo, I meant all of youuu"

Taehyung defends himself

Jeongguk suddenly stiffens as he looks to the school maindoor

The trio entering as they spread warm radiance
Oh, those faces
The smiles
The look they always gave to him as they adored everything he did
The trio who made him put faith in friendship and himself

"Hey kook, you okay?"

Taehyung asks as he noticed the younger's watery eyes


Jeongguk whispers as his tears fell down his cheeks
He ranto the three whom he wished to meet again


Eunwoo smiles with tears as he engulfed the younger in a big hug

"How are you kookie?"

Bambam asks biting his lips holding in his cries of sorrow and happiness of seeing his friend

Jeongguk just nods as his lips trembled not able to speak as he hugged Eunwoo harder afraid to let go

"Aw kookie missed us, right?"
Jisoo coos ruffling his fluffy hair

Jeongguk secretly pulled Jisoo with her hand in the hug and Bambam by the hem of his boyfriend material shirt

"I missed y'all so much"
Jeongguk finally cries out

"We did too kookie"
Eunwoo smiles

They let go of each other and smile at their little kookie who struggled to hold in his cries

Bambam picks him up by his waist and kisses his cheek making the other giggle

"Tae you good?"
Hoseok worries as Taehyung's eyes burn in rage

Don't get him wrong, he is happy cause of Jeongguk being reunited with his old friends

But the kiss
The damn kiss on the cheek


Jeongguk introduced his childhood friends to his high school ones and Bambam ended up being everyone's favorite except Taehyung's.

Everyone as a decent conversation for awhile before the three guests had to leave quick.

"Well then we should go before security chases us"
Eunwoo states, they all bid their goodbyes


So it was settled
Jeongguk and all of his friends are now familiar with each other, and will be seeing more of each other
What can go wrong?
Ofcourse Taehyung isn't jealous
Ofcourse he won't end up doing something he would regret

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