12-Only cause you said gguk

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"My heart is beating like crazy"
Jimin says putting a hand on his chest

"It's gonna be fine"
Taehyung says in a calm voice

Jimin was about to speak when the hallway speaker voices a announcement cutting him off

"Announcement for all the high schoolers especially the ones who will be running for the class presidency to come at the radio station and say few words to help their classmates decide whom to vote, the announcements will start today from 10am to 11am, Thankyou"

The announcement ends with a beep and everyone returns to what they are doing

"It's 9:45 I am screwed"
Jimin said to himself as his heartbeat fastens

"No you are not, you got this"
Hoseok says patting him trying to calm his friend down

Jimin said calming alittl
"Hey guys!"
All of them turn to see a familiar person

"Hey Matt"
Jeongguk says waving, Matt jogs up to them

"Hey Jeongguk and all, oh Jimin you are here too"
Matt says with a smile

Jimin says waving alittle then gets closer to Taehyung

"Well guys I will see y'all gotta check in with the library"
Namjoon says as he bids goodbye to them and rushes off

"So, Jimin you are running against me then, good luck"
Matt says Jimin nods with a small smile

"Aren't you getting late for your class Matt?"
Taehyung says stepping closer to Matt

"Not really"
Matt responds now standing right face to face

"Want me to send you to hospital then?"
Taehyung teasingly asks but there was a hint of anger there

"I don't mind sending you to jail then after"
Matt says mocking Taehyung which Taehyung hates, Taehyung fists his hand ready to throw at Matt

"Hey hey let's not fight"
Jeongguk says, Hoseok steps in too and pulls Taehyung away

"Only cause you said gguk"
Matt said fixing his hair, Jeongguk scratches his neck his body was mostly facing Matt but he could feel his back been burned by intense stare

"Anyways I am not here to fight, but hey good luck Jimin also Jeongguk just so you know there is still a vacant place in the football team so if you want to"
Matt steps back as he says and trails off at the end finishing with a wink thrown to Jeongguk before he finally walked off

"Let's go to our classes"
Hoseok says as they part ways to their class


Jeongguk loses concentration from physics class as he remembers what happened before especially what Matt said

'Vacant place in football team'
Jeongguk thoughts to himself as he remembers his childhood

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