18-Kim family

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Jeongguk went to the field and saw Taehyung and the rest of the team practicing

He sat down watching them practice the game

Once the practice was over Taehyung came over to Jeongguk

"Hey, you played well"
Jeongguk said passing him his water bottle and a towel

Taehyung said accepting the things

"So, do you by any chance know, who hit Matt?"
Jeongguk asked as Taehyung choked on water, Jeongguk got alarmed as he helped Taehyung calm down

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, Yoongi hyung said the one who beat Matt was in the nurse room and I know him, so maybe you have a idea"
Jeongguk said clearly oblivious of Taehyung being nervous

"I dunno, now forget about it, let's go"
Taehyung said walking away as Jeongguk quickly followed him catching up

"Also, tonight there is gonna be a party at evening at Ravn's place"
Taehyung said unlocking the room door

"Any occasion?"
Jeongguk asked removing his shoes

"It's his birthday, and we are invited"

"We never talked, then why he invited me too?"

"I dunno, he wanted both us to go so yeah, don't think much of it"


"Remember to loosen up today, and dress up nicely"
Taehyung said earning a nod and a smile from the other then he went to the washroom

As Taehyung left the room, Jeongguk phone rang up, he cursed himself and quickly picked it up

*on call*
"Hello mom"

"Son, I told you to FaceTime me at 7:15, it's 7:20"

"I am sorry mom, I was about to FaceTime you after freshening up"

"So, you haven't freshen up either? Great"

"Sorry mom"

"Nevermind, I am facetiming you right now, pick it up"

With that Jeongguk's mom hung up, he quickly rushed to grab his laptop knocking onto the bed side, he ignored the pain and waited for his mom to call

In few seconds or so, his mom FaceTime as he accepted

"Hello mom, how are you?"

"I am fine, how are you son?"

"I am fine too"

Jeongguk smiled as he answered, his mom smiled back then in background he heard someone calling her

"Oh Mr. & Mrs. Kim please have a seat"

"Thankyou, Mrs.Jeon"

He heard a male who he assumed was Mr.Kim reply

"Uh mom I think you have guests over I will FaceTime you tomorrow in time-"

"I wanted you to meet them son"

His mother sweetly replied before turning her laptop so that Kim family could see him too
Jeongguk quickly bowed as he faced them greeting them as they did so back

"It's lovely to see you Jeongguk after hearing so much about you"
Mrs.Kim remarked

"You flatter me Mrs.Kim"
Jeongguk responded back

"Hi, I am Kim Jisoo"
The girl said with a smile after getting a nudge from her mom

"Hi, I am Jeon Jeongguk, nice to meet you"


"Where are you studying right now?"
Mr.Kim asked as soon as it fall silence

"At Seoul High School"
Jeongguk replied. He heard the bathroom door opening realizing Taehyung is done freshening up

"Jeongguk-ah go freshen up I will get some food for us"
Taehyung says before going to the small kitchen room

"Was that your roommate?"
Mrs.Jeon asked not really happy with the disruption

"Ah yes, he is my roommate"
Jeongguk replied

They talked for awhile more, but what was out of place was the elders were talking (alot) while Jisoo just sat quietly at the side

"We should let you go now, we captured you for so long"
Mrs.Kim smiles with a dismissal wave

"It's fine, Mrs.Kim it was great to chat with all of you"

"Likewise, hope we can catch up again"
Mr.Kim said with a smile

Jeongguk bowed a little

"I will hang up then, love you, take care"
Mrs.Jeon said turning the laptop to face only her

"Ohk, love you too take care!"
Jeongguk replied before the call ended.

After the call ended, Taehyung peeked in munching on bread and jam


"Yeah, I will go fresh up real quick"

Jeongguk then dashed to the washroom

After awhile he came out and joined Taehyung

"Excited to party?"
Taehyung asked biting on the last bread he is eating

"Very much"
Jeongguk said in a bored tone, earning a light kick under the table

"I don't know hyung, partying is something I never visited, and if my mom finds out she won't be very much happy"
Jeongguk said sighing

"I understand you, but sometimes you gotta enjoy life, and as for your mom she won't find out if you don't tell her so don't worry"
Taehyung said with a supporting smile

"If you say so, ohk"
Jeongguk said giving him a smile which Taehyung returned with his boxy smile which affected Jeongguk in a positive way


3:10 am
*nervous laughing*

Anyways here's chapter 18, Kim family are new characters but important lol

Spoiler !
Things are about to go down in the party, hence more drama, fight, and _____will be rolling in soon soooooooooo yeah

Bye <3

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