5-I am Matt

123 7 2

Word count (main): 615
Word count (all): 651

"Hey Jimin"
"Yup that's me, I am Matt"

Matt says and takes slow steps toward Jimin

"It's been long time since we have a conversation alone"
Matt says, Jimin clutches the food closer to him not that Matt will snatch it

"Jimin listen to me I know-"
"Stop! I don't want to listen anything!"
Jimin says as loud as he can

"Seems you have got some guts now huh?"
Matt scoffs stepping more towards Jimin as he steps back

"You know what I will leave you...for now, see ya soon mimi"
Matt says walking past Jimin

Jimin turns to see Jeongguk standing with his gym bag

"What are you doing here?"
"Oh I came to collect the pizza delivery"
"Oh what was he telling you, the one who just left?"
"He was just greeting me, let's go"

Jimin says to Jeongguk who nods and follows him to their floor


"Jimin, what took you so long?"
Jimin jumps due to the sudden voice behind him

"Oh hey Taehyung hyung"
Jeongguk says, Taehyung greets him back

"The delivery man was taking time to give change"
Jimin answers and Taehyung nods

"Jeongguk why don't you join us?"
Taehyung suggests as Jeongguk shakes his head

"It's fine hyung I don't want to disturb"
Jeongguk says earning a side hug from Jimin

"You won't, now let's go"


So that's how both of them dragged Jeongguk with them to Jimin and Hoseok's room

"He-he is hard to drag"
Taehyung says with a hand on his chest dramatically trying to catch his breath

"Am I?"
Jeongguk asks innocently with his Bambi eyes

"Ofcourse not I am sure they are exaggerating"
Hoseok says as he puts down the ordered food on the table while Taehyung is leaning on the wall and Jimin laying on the bed

"We are not, he didn't wanted to come saying he will disturb us so we dragged him but he stood by his ground literally"
Jimin debates Taehyung nods agreeing

Jeongguk says scratching his neck

"You should be"
Jimin says in a not so serious tone

"Okay enough about that, text your roommate that you are with us and will come later"
Hoseok says and signals everyone to join him at the neatly spread out blanket fort on the floor at the and put on a movie

Jeongguk texts Namjoon letting him know regarding his whereabouts

Namjoonie hyung

Hyung I am with Jimin and
Hoseok hyung in their room,
Taehyung hyung is also here

Okay Kook, enjoy, if you
decide to stay there for
the night let me know :)

Okay hyung

"Kook come"
Taehyung calls out and Jeongguk sits with them beside Hoseok. Jimin was sitting at the center with Taehyung and Hoseok on other side and Jeongguk beside Hoseok

"Do you wanna pick the movie?"
Taehyung asks to Jeongguk

"Oh no no it's fine I am okay with any movie"
Jeongguk protests

"What movie do you want to watch?"
Hoseok asks

Jeongguk said in a low voice barely audible to anyone

Hoseok asks to confirm if he heard right

"It's okay if y'all don't want to, we can watch something else"
Jeongguk says the others shake their head

"Ofcourse we would like to watch what you want to watch"
Taehyung says and handover the remote to Jeongguk

"Here choose"
Taehyung encourages Jeongguk who chooses a movie and then looks at the rest for approval after realizing they are fine with it, he clicks on play


"Why won't this kid pick up my phone?"
"Honey it's his first day he said he will call you before going to bed"


So that's for the 6th chapter seems Matt has a history with Jimin and Jeongguk is getting close to Taehyung and his friends
Let's see what happens in future

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