3-You got this

136 8 9

Word count (main): 862
Word count (all): 919

"Here you go"
Taehyung says holding out a cup of coffee to Jeongguk as they meet near his locker.

"You didn't had to buy me one"
Jeongguk says trying to protest but Taehyung didn't listened to him and handed it over.

Jeongguk says formally bowing a little.

"It's okay no need to be so formal"
Taehyung says patting Jeongguk's head sorta messing it.

"Good morning!"
Two boys shout near Taehyung and Jeongguk.

"AH! Stop scaring me!"
Taehyung says to the boys who were laughing at the reaction.

"Ohk ohk sorry"
Hoseok says and Jimin says the same after. Jeongguk bows alittle to them as well greeting them formally.

"Why are you so formal with us kook?"
Jimin asks as Jeongguk shakes his head.

"All of you are older than me"
Jeongguk says lowering his head.

"Still you don't have to be so formal, we are friends not some high class CEO of different companies"
Hoseok says, the other two agreeing. Jeongguk nods understanding.

"I am sorry"
Jeongguk says making the trio feel bad and guilty

"No no it's not your fault, you were being respectful, being formal has no harm"
Jimin says panicking scared the younger will start crying

"Being formal is not wrong we just want you to feel comfortable and treat us like your friends"
Hoseok says trying to comfort Jeongguk

"If you are comfortable with being formal then that's fine with us, just be comfortable with us"
Taehyung says rubbing the younger's shoulders

"Ohk, can I call you 'hyung'?"
Jeongguk says with his Bambi eyes making the others unconsciously smile

"Ofcourse you can, kook"
Jimin says squeezing the younger's cheeks



"You can sit here, I will sit at the back"
Jeongguk says feeling bad that he is the reason Taehyung have to sit at back.

"It's okay, you need to catch up with alot and you will need someone's help, Jimin is the best for it"
Taehyung says pushing the younger ahead to sit on his assigned seat.

"Besides its just a matter of time until I start sitting beside you by trading seats with someone"
Taehyung continues and he feels a weight on his back but doesn't bothers to question it.

"Hey Jimin hyung"
Jeongguk greets the boy who was clinging onto Taehyung's back.

"Hey Kook. Hello to you too Mr.Kim"
Jimin says making Taehyung roll his eyes.

"Hello Mr.Ju- Mr.Park"
Taehyung curses under his breath for almost getting caught in 4K, gladly Jimin didn't took a notice of it.

"Anyways, I am running for the President"
Jimin says scratching his neck

"After thousand years finally you are!"
Taehyung says hyped totally happy with the news

"But isn't Class President is selected on the first day of class itself?"
Jeongguk asks confused

"Yes, the Class President who was selected had to move out almost two days ago due to her mother's job"
Taehyung says, Jeongguk mouth forms a 'O' understanding

"I am happy for you hyung, I am sure you will win"
Jeongguk says with two thumbs up encouraging the older

"I hope so, Matt is also running for it"
Jimin says with a sad tone, Taehyung side hugs him

"You got this, don't worry"
Taehyung says with a smile, Jimin nods returning a small smile.

The class door opens as their teacher walks in and all of them went to their seats and the class begins


Taehyung sat at the school ground scrolling through his recent emails on his phone. He does get alot of sponsorship and modeling offers so he tries to keep a track of them and respond back as quickly as possible.

"Hello Mr.Model"
Taehyung looks to see the boy he isn't much fan of sit beside him.

"Hello to you too Matt"
Matt chuckles as he makes himself comfortable.

"How I wish I had a name like model, like you have"
Matt says mocking Taehyung.

"For that you have to go out and look for modeling jobs"
Taehyung replies trying not to get into Matt's trap of pissing him off.

"Or I could ask my friend to introduce me to some modeling gigs"
Matt proceeds to cling his arm around Taehyung's shoulder.

"Wish I could but this offers comes to me, if you want to get gigs you gotta upload and reach out to some first"
Taehyung says shrugging Matt's hand off and stands up.

"That's how it is, I thought we are friends"
Matt says standing up as well trying his best to get on Taehyung's nerves

"Our friendship broke up long ago"
Taehyung responds back

"I wonder why"
Matt says scratching his chin pretending to think

"I don't have time for this Matt"
Taehyung says getting annoyed as he turns around to walk away

"Isn't Jimin running for the President? So he is against me. Look out for your beloved friend"
Matt says making sure Taehyung understands his intentions, Taehyung turns around just enough to see Matt's smirking face

"Don't you even dare lay a finger on him or else-"
"Or else what?"
"You will see now that neither him or myself are alone"

Taehyung says sternly then leaves for his next class

'Make sure to look out'


So this is chapter 3, a late update but this is what you signed up for. Do keep the thoughts of the characters in mind, they might play a role later in the story. For the next chapter let's see what we get to see.

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