Family day out

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Walking into the Wheeler kitchen I find everyone sat around the table frantically discussing something. Looking over each of their faces I can tell it's of great importance. Max looks up from the scattering of papers in front of her and gestures me to come to the table.

"It's what I saw when Vecna had me" Max had pulled her headphones down to her neck "It's the Creel house". I bit at the sides of my cheeks as the group burst into conversation again. From the scattered conversation I gathered that Nancy had been the one to figure out that the incredibly vague drawings were actually parts of the Creel house, Nancy had folded and rearranged them all accordingly. Looking at the pages I could feel my stomach begin to turn with anxiety. We were all off to the Creel house in search of clues.

The house had gone to total shit. There was poorly knocked on wooden slats over the windows and dead plants surrounding the entrance giving it a real film like abandoned house feel. Steve was using the claw of a hammer to pull the nails out of the piece of ply covering the door while bickering with Nancy about whether this house was actually useful at all.

"We don't think he's in their do we?" Lucas had a quiver in his voice that he was clearly tring to hide.

"Only one way to find out" I smirked at Lucas trying desperately to lighten the mood.

The ply slammed down revealing the distinctive stained glass window in the door. Steve tried the door; locked. Steve sighed as if he was already giving up.

"Did you think the ply was the only thing keeping people out or are you always this optimistic?" My sarcasm went completely unnoticed by Steve but Robin appreciated it and let out a small laugh. I turned to look at her, she had a brick in her hand "I found a key" she threw the brick at the stained glass allowing Steve to unlock the door from the inside. 

The air in the house was stale and damp as we all crept inside. Dustin and Lucas pulled out torches causing Steve to be confused "Where did everyone get those" he pointed to the torch Dustin was holding. "Do you need to be told everything? You're not a child" as Dustin said it he handed his bag to Steve telling him to look in the back pocket.

Robin, Nancy and I were looking in a room with a sofa and fireplace, talking about all that was left behind when Max spoke "Hey guys. You all see that right" her torch was pointed at an old grandfather clock that said against the wall opposite the stairs. She had seen it in her vision, like a calling card from Vecna telling her that time was running out. Steve thought out loud "why is this wizard obsessed with clocks? Is he like a clock maker or something?" I looked at him in disbelief, Dustin spoke my exact thoughts by telling Steve "I think you've cracked the case on this one"

"The answers are here somewhere. Everyone stay in groups." Nancy waved me and Robin over to go with her as she took off up the stairs. The wallpaper was peeling off the walls from the damp of the house. Dust danced in the beams of light that pushed through the slatted windows. Scattered all over the house was little reminders of the lives that had been destroyed by Vecna. Toys left, beds with the covers still on and the pillows untouched.

I could hear Steve and Dustin chattering in the next room over. Tapping Robin on the shoulder I put my finger to my mouth telling her to be quiet as I hid behind the open door waiting for them to approach. Leaping out I shouted "AH!" Dusting let out a shrill scream throwing his hands into the air as he did so, Steve squealed taking up a squatting position. I could feel my nose wrinkling as a laugh bubbled in my chest. A high pitched squeak from Robin set me off laughing. The two boys shouted at me, scolding me for not taking this seriously but that wasn't what they were really mad about. They were mad that I'd frightened them when they were putting on such brave faces.

The pair stormed off and I turned to Robin, the pair of us both still giggling. Nancy had wandered away further into the upstairs. As I rounded a corner I saw Steve dancing backwards through a doorway of a room freaking out and snatching at his clothes. He bumped into Nancy who was concerned.

"Woah woah what's wrong?" Nancy questioned.

It....was a spider. A black widow." Steve half mumbled his response. Nancy was helping pull cobwebs out of his hair as Robin passed telling Steve that they would never find a spider in all his hair until it had laid eggs in his brain.

"What is wrong with you? Seriously Robin." Steve sounded mildly frustrated that Robin wasn't being supportive of his spider freak out.

I stood back and watched the pair. Nancy's demeanour changed once Steve had turned around. He was looking at her, a softness in his eyes that I hadn't seen before. She became fidgety another trait I had never seen before. The pair so evidently still had chemistry even if it did display itself in a childlike way. Steve was spitting out some rubbish that didn't make sense then with a sigh just walked off and continued his search leaving Nancy deep in confusion.

Me and Robin looked at each other from opposite ends of the hallway both tucking our lips into our mouthes in an effort to keep the laughter in. We continued our search as a duo wandering through the rooms waving our flashlights about the walls looking for clues.

Max and Lucas started shouting from downstairs. We ran, all of us trying to cram down the stairs at once. The light in the dining room was flickering rhythmically. We stood around it, Nancy made a comment about Christmas lights causing me and Robin to be confused. She explained that how when Will had gotten stuck in the upside down he had used lights to communicate. The light fizzled out. We looked around at each other puzzled.

"Maybe he stepped out" Steve offered an explanation.

Nancy instructed us to all turn our lights out and spread out. My torch lit up on its own accord as I stepped towards the doorway. Just then another light in the hallway popped to life, the same twinkling electricity as the dining room light. We rushed after it trying to use the torch to show Vecna's  movements. The lights led all the way to the attic. Robin moaned about the fact that we were being led up there and I nudged her shoulder with mine encouraging her forward.

A naked bulb shone in the middle of the attic. We stood around it in a circle watching it twinkle until it started to blaze. Our torches one by one started beaming. The electricity was so strong it could be heard buzzing loudly. The handle of my torch started to heat up. Almost unbearable. POP. The bulb burst sending glass everywhere causing me to flinch. Then Dustin's popped. Then Nancy's. Then Robin's. It went around the circle until the bare bulb having from the ceiling burst making us all flinch and let out a small noise. Whatever had happened had been incredibly powerful and we stood in silence for what felt like eternity.

And even murder... y/n x Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now