Together again.

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I was worried about seeing all my old friends again, I mean its been three years since I last saw them. What if we didn't get on like we used to or what if it was that awkward moment where they had all moved on and didn't even speak to each other anymore and I was walking in like nothing had changed. I hadn't spoken to Eddie in about 8 months, even before that it was rare we'd speak to each other. He was meant to be my best friend and I'd neglected him a little.

I sucked in a deep breath. It was going to be fine, I'm sure Eddie wouldn't mind that I'd disappeared for a while. In my defense I was sorting stuff out so I could come back home and back to him... and Gareth and Jeff. 

The trailer seemed awfully big now that it was just me in here, even with my boxes of unpacked stuff. I looked at the crochet blanked Gran had made me, it's one of those items that makes you sad but happy at the same time. Moving out after she passed was so painful, like I was leaving all our memories behind. Thank God that woman left this little patch of heaven to me otherwise I'd be stuck with my mom forever. Don't get me wrong it was a little moldy in here and the air was stale but its nothing a good scrub and opening the windows and doors wouldn't fix. 

I knew Eddie wouldn't know I was back because my trailer was right at the bottom of the park and I'd hidden my car behind it, plus the water and electricity wasn't on yet so it still looked empty. I needed to hurry up if I wanted to get anything done before the sun set and I was stuck in the dark. With a scarf round my face I set off scrubbing the mold with some vinegar, a chair and some dusty sponge I found under the sink. Wrestling my mattress into the trailer was a whole new level of difficult, the sweat was running down my back and I knew I couldn't take a shower. 

I flopped onto my mattress victorious and exhausted. Lights were on in the trailer park and the sun was starting to set. I sighed knowing it would be a long night and the feeling of my slightly tacky skin was making me itch. I needed a shower really badly. Eddie had running water...

I couldn't just knock on his door and be like " hey I know I haven't called in months and I know I didn't tell you I was coming back but surprise... anyway can I use your shower? " No. That's so rude, I couldn't. Although it's probably a good idea to see him before I turn up in class or he sees me in the hall, right? No. What if he's not in and his uncle answers or what if he doesn't recognize me, a lot can change in three years. I rubbed my gritty palms together and decided its probably best I do shower because I've been cleaning mold and I've heard that stuff can make you really ill. God my heart was thrumming, what if he's mad I didn't call or write or... Really Y/N? It's Eddie, get a grip. Put your brave pants on go over there say hi and get washed. I shook off my nerves, shoved on my converse grabbed some stuff and headed over.

I had walked over in what felt like a record time. I'm a really fast walker when I'm nervous and then I noticed the lights were on in his trailer and there was a van outside. I could be sick. Maybe I'm excited not scared, those things are hard to tell apart sometimes. After wrestling that mattress into the trailer this was a piece of cake. I'm just gonna walk up there knock on the door and say hi and tell him I've missed him. 

If I stand a few feet away from his trailer any longer I'm going to look like a creep. Lets go. 

Oh God I had knocked... Oh God I could hear someone coming. The door swung open to reveal a much taller and longer haired Eddie than I had remembered. "Surprise..." I did a little jazz hands motion as I said it which really made the interaction better.

 Disbelief crossed his face " Y/N what are you doing here?!" His voice had a little laugh behind it. 

" Oh you know, hunting elephants." the sarcasm rolled off my tongue as if we'd spoken yesterday and everyday before that.  He grabbed me into a tight hug then pushed me back by my shoulders as if to get a better look at me. 

" I like the hair." He grabbed a piece of my hair between his finger and thumb, lifted it and dropped it as if I needed to know which hair he was referring to. 

" Yours isn't bad either Munson" My eyes creased as I talked round my smile. He pulled me inside and shut the door behind me. 

" You didn't tell me you were coming back?" I couldn't tell if he was upset about that or not. 

" I didn't know that was a requirement of coming back, were you hoping you'd got rid of me for good?" my head tilted as I said it expecting a witty response. 

"Obviously, I was hoping I'd never have to deal with you again." he said it with such a sarcastic tone you could almost  feel it hit you in the face. 

" I didn't know what to say so I didn't call...Not to cut the convo short but I am in desperate need of a shower and was wondering if you, Mister Munson, would be so kind as to let me use your ,most likely disgusting, shower. Don't try and deny it I know what you live like." I flew through the last part of my sentence as if he wasn't meant to hear it but made it clear enough that he most definitely did. He looked at me mouth open in a fake shocked way " absolutely not, me let your" he made a disgusted face and circled his hand as if to refer to the whole of me " urgh dirty self into my glorious shower.. I think not." I narrowed my eyes in an unimpressed way and said    " Okay thanks, I'll be quick" . 

I emerged with my shaggy hair damp and some loose fitting clothes. Eddie was sat in the armchair in the corner flipping something between his fingers; I sat on the couch lengthways  so I could face him. " Who's is the van outside?" I nod in the direction of the door. " That would be mine, you need a ride tomorrow? " His face has a hopeful look on it, he had passed his test after I had gone and had promised to take me for a drive. " I'd like to make it to school alive tomorrow so I'll drive myself in thanks." He shook his head in disbelief Y/N  Y/L/N do you doubt my driving ability? I'll see you in the morning, at my front door. Yeah?" The question was completely rhetorical  and his eye brows were raised waiting for me to bite. " 8:15 and you've got a deal" "okay 8:15 it is.". We spent the next couple of hours talking and laughing, he gave me the basic run down of what I'd missed like the mall fire that killed this guy and the sister lived across from him. Eddie walked me to my trailer and said goodbye. 

And even murder... y/n x Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now