Chapter 13

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It had been a few days since the incident at the palace and it seemed like everything went back to normal. Well almost everything.

Kagome's mind kept wandering back to Sesshomaru and all these questions kept rising up. Why did he keep all those secrets? It would have been easier to just tell her that he was Inuyasha's brother.


Now thinking back, Kagome thought that she reacted a little harshly. That was all in his past and it didn't seem like that was who he was anymore.

Inuyasha watched Kagome stare into space again. She did that a lot ever since they got back. Though he knew he shouldn't think it, Inuyasha was starting to wonder if he reacted a little fast in judging and telling Kagome about Sesshomaru's past. It seemed like she genuinely liked him and he was sure there was some kind of return of feelings from Sesshomaru.

He just wondered how much of the feelings were returned. The last thing he wanted was Kagome getting hurt again. He had done enough to her, he didn't want his brother doing the same.

With a sigh he walked away from her knowing that she didn't want anyone to talk to.

Since they got back she had only been at the shrine and the hot springs. Kagome didn't want to see anyone and even started telling Hojo that she didn't want to see him. Never in all his time of knowing her had she been that mean to someone, least of all Hojo.

He came by as much as he could now but she just wouldn't talk and even mentioning the palace and his brother meant that she would find something to do to get away. She didn't want to talk about that, and Inuyasha felt it was because she was happy there and now it was gone.

Inuyasha growled because it was his fault.

He stopped suddenly and thought, 'It couldn't be...'

Using his nose he caught the scent again and this time a faint trace of demonic energy. Sesshomaru was there and he was hiding his demonic energy to appear like a lesser demon.

Then an idea came to mind, but he hoped that he wasn't doing the wrong thing. He turned back to Kagome and smirked, "Hey Kagome!"

She looked up, startled, and asked, "What?"

"Shippo's in the forest trying to gather leaves but a demon is coming... a strong one. I tried to tell the stupid fox but he wouldn't believe me... Go get him before something happens."

Kagome huffed, "Inuyasha!! He could get hurt!"

She stood up and glared at him, saying, "I'll deal with you when I get back!"

He watched as she disappeared into the forest, Inuyasha hoped his hunch wasn't wrong about Sesshomaru.

She ran as fast as she could and called out, "Shippo! Where are you?"

Before she knew it she ran into something hard and tall. Kagome fell to the ground and yelled, "Ow... who the..."

She looked up and paled, it was Sesshomaru.

He was just as shocked but he hid it well.

"What are you doing here?" She asked as she got up and dusted herself off.

"This village is a part of my lands and I am patrolling."

Kagome looked up at him, she could see why he insisted on being called Lord. He looked more like a Lord than he had when she saw him the first time.


He sighed inwardly and turned on his heel, he didn't want to but he couldn't stay too long.


Sesshomaru turned his head and stopped, "Yes?"

"I still have one more question to ask..." She asked as she looked up at him through her bangs.

He turned fully facing her, "Ask then."

"Did... Did you ever love me like I loved you?" she asked. Tears formed in her eyes and threatened to spill as she waited for him to answer.

His golden eyes looked deeply into hers and he stepped up to her. He ran one of his clawed fingers down her cheek and watched her tears fall.

"I love you more than I have ever and will never love anyone but you." he replied.

In that instant his cold eyes took on all the warmth she had seen when he was still a beast.

"Why did you let me leave?" she asked.

"I wasn't going to force you to stay, I wanted you to stay only if you wanted to." He said as he leaned down and kissed her. "Will you come back with me?"

She looked back in the direction of her village and said, "I don't know if I can leave... I don't want the village to be in danger."

"Go Kagome..."

Her eyes widened as Inuyasha dropped from the trees.

"Shippo isn't out here is he?" she asked.

He smirked, "Like I would leave that runt out here alone? And risk your temper?"

His eyes softened and he said, "I want you to be happy and I was wrong to try and take that away before... I know I might not like it too much but Sesshomaru makes you happy. You two belong together."

Kagome smiled and said, "Thanks!"

She ran to him and hugged him.

He frowned, "Hey get off!"

Sesshomaru resisted the urge to growl as she hugged his brother.

She let go and said, "You'll watch the village for me?"

"Yeah I will."

Her eyes clouded and she said, "Take care of my mom and grandpa... they won't understand too much."

He nodded, "I will, I promise."

Kagome turned back and faced Sesshomaru, with a huge smile she ran up to him and jumped into his arms. Sesshomaru swung her around as she laughed in his arms.


Inuyasha looked on as his brother and Kagome danced. All of the village had come for the announcement of their mating and all watched in awe at the priestess who meant so much to them. A smile came to Inuyasha's face as he saw the pure happiness in Kagome's eyes.

Kikyo held on to his arm as she walked up, she could tell he envied his brother but she knew Inuyasha loved her. She sighed and leaned into Inuyasha's arm.

Sango watched her best friend dance with the demon that was once her captor and smiled to herself. It was good to finally see Kagome truly happy for once. Miroku stood beside Sango with a faraway look in his eyes.

"What's up with you, monk?" she asked.

"I can no longer ask Kagome to bear my children..." Miroku said jokingly.

She saw red as she slapped him hard across the face and yelled, "You can't anyways, you lecher!"

"No, for my heart belongs to you." He said as he kissed her hand and wandered away slowly.

The sounds of giggling caught Kagome's attention and the dance stopped. Shippo and Rin ran up to the couple, Shippo jumped into Kagome's arms and Rin hugged Sesshomaru's leg.

After the curse was lifted Sesshomaru retrieved Rin from the village he left her at and now she and Shippo played through the days.

Kagome hugged Shippo close and smiled down at Rin. She looked up when she felt Sesshomaru's arm around her shoulder and said, "I love you."

He smiled and said, "I love you too, Kagome."

Sesshomaru leaned in and kissed her, putting his entire soul into that kiss.

~The End~

The Priestess and the Great Dog Demon Beast (A SessKag Love Fanfic) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now