Chapter 7

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Inuyasha wanted to scream, they were lost. He was so frustrated. They had been going in circles for over two hours when finally Miroku pointed out the same rock formation that resembled Sango's curves, as he put it.

"Inuyasha you are the one with the excellent nose, shouldn't you have been able to tell we were going in circles?"

"Miroku shut up!" He sniffed, "Besides, there is something different about this forest. It all smells the same. I don't understand it!"

Sango sighed, "Inuyasha calm down. I'm sure we'll find the path again."

"Yeah," Shippo piped in, "and we'll find Kagome then go home."

He looked at Shippo but said nothing.

"Come on. Let's keep moving and maybe we'll get back on the path."

It was some time before they found that they hadn't passed by the same familiar rock as they had been. Nothing looked like anything they had seen so far. As they walked on, talk among them seemed to dwindle away as each of them noticed something in the air, something in the very forest that was threatening them.

They were stopped by Inuyasha not long after the feeling of animosity hit Shippo. He stood with his nose to the wind and his ears were twitching. Something was different now; Inuyasha could feel the difference the forest had made. Now instead of the menacing presence there was only peace.

"Inuyasha do you feel that?" Miroku asked and now stood next to Sango looking up into the trees.

"Yeah, whatever that feeling before was now it's gone."

Sango stepped up towards Inuyasha and said, "Something scared it off."

"What do you mean scared it off?" Shippo asked and looked around waiting for something to attack them.

"What do you think she means? It means that-"

He froze when he felt something just on the other side of the line of trees start moving, it was walking towards them. Whatever it was, it was strong.

"Get ready to fight if we have to."

Miroku held his staff in a defensive position and said, "Yes, but if it is not required I would rather not fight something so strong.

"Feh, scaredy cat."

The bushes rustled, then out stepped a demon who looked as if it was half humanoid and half animal. Black fur covered his body. His brown eyes landed on Inuyasha and narrowed.

"What the hell are you?" Inuyasha asked as he couldn't move, something in its eyes seemed so familiar but foreign at the same time.

"I am beyond your understanding, half-demon."

Behind him in the bushes emerged two more demons, one a tiger and the other a dog with wings.

"Sitora? Koa? What are you...? He's the one holding Kagome isn't he?!"

Inuyasha pulled the Tetsusaiga and pointed it at the Lord, warning, "You had better give me back Kagome now or I will kill you!"

"Foolish half-demon, what makes you think she wants to return to you?" he asked. He stood up at his full height with his eyes to the surrounding forest, "You had better leave now or you will die in this forest. Nothing passes it unless they have someone who has already passed through here show them the way. This forest is dangerous and a demon has been growing stronger within the safety of these trees."

Sitora growled, "Please go back to your village. I'm not saying this to keep Kagome with us, but to keep her from feeling the pain of your deaths."

Her ears went back and her eyes darted to the trees surrounding them.

The Priestess and the Great Dog Demon Beast (A SessKag Love Fanfic) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now