Chapter 5

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Inuyasha cursed in his head. He had been still ever since he felt another demon near where he and Shippo were. He could hear the demon's footsteps on the demolished hut not too far away. Though he wanted to run, Inuyasha knew doing so would only draw attention to him and Shippo. So he was stuck until he was either found out or the demon left.

Other than hearing it, Inuyasha couldn't feel its demonic energy or smell it. Hiding scent and demonic energy takes a lot of strength and very few demons could do it. He grimaced, 'That means the tiger is still here.'

A growl sounded behind him followed by a quiet scream. Then Inuyasha heard the sound of snapping bones and the human quieted. A louder growl came from the demon and Inuyasha felt the hairs on his neck stand up. They had been found out.

He jumped aside, narrowly avoiding the tiger's attack. Finally getting a good look at the tiger Inuyasha tried to guess its elemental attribute. The tiger was black with red stripes covering its body.

"Shippo, do you know what element it is?" he asked.

"If I had to guess, it's fire. But I'm not sure." Shippo replied. He was still shaking with fear because tiger demons aren't to be messed with.

"Well, well. If it isn't Lord Inuyasha himself." The tiger mocked Inuyasha with obvious amusement.

Shippo looked at Inuyasha in question but didn't voice his question.

'Lord? What does he mean Lord?' he thought.

"Do not call me that! Who the hell are you anyway?!" Inuyasha asked.

He chuckled, "My name is Saisuke. I have been searching for your dear brother. You wouldn't happen to know where he is would you?"

"Why the hell would I know where that bastard is?!"

Saisuke growled, "Then I have no use for you."

His eyes started to glow red as his body was engulfed in flames.

"You should know that I plan to kill your brother and his little human girl. I have already killed his servant Jaken."

"I don't care about that heartless bastard!"

In his mind Inuyasha was trying to grasp what Saisuke said, 'Human girl? No way, not Sesshomaru.'

He did something that he hadn't done since he fought his brother ages ago. Inuyasha took out Tetsusaiga, watching as the small katana transformed into a large fang. At its hilt, tan fur danced from the breeze.

"Let's do this."

He roared, flames shot out of the ground around Inuyasha, "You will regret those words half-demon."

Inuyasha dodged the fire and leapt at Saisuke. He swept his sword in an arc and waited to hear the sound of his ripping flesh. It never came. Standing not ten feet from Inuyasha stood not one, but three tigers.

"What the hell?! Can't fight me by yourself?"

The tiger with dark green stripes and black body stepped forward.

"We were ordered to end the bloodline of the moon. We do not have time to play fair."

His emerald eyes started to glow a faint green. His body was shimmering a brilliant green and he cried, "You are finished half-demon."

Vines shot up from the earth and struck Inuyasha around his middle. Some of them wrapped around his ankles and his wrists. Tetsusaiga fell from his hands and to the ground. It reverted back to its normal katana shape.

"You bastards."

Next to him, Inuyasha saw Shippo completely tied up in the vines.

Shippo bit the vines but they didn't give way. He scrunched his face up and cried, "Fox Fire!"

The Priestess and the Great Dog Demon Beast (A SessKag Love Fanfic) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now