Asshole Brother!!

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Yay, Alex's mum is alive.....

But is that a good thing?

I froze at Jamie's words, mum was alive!. Without a word I punished the door open and slammed it shut. I dragged Jamie away from my room to a more private place.

",tell me everything," I said more a whimper then a demand.

", we went back to your house to see if we could find any leads on the attack, when we got there the place looked like it was torn apart..... there wasn't a house there at all, the place was pulled apart, ripped and torn to peaces.....they were looking for something........thats when we saw your mum, but she ran off before anyone could say a word,"

",that doesn't make any sense!? What is it that they want so much that they'd go that far," I muttered in frustration as tears raced down my face.

Asher just had to turn the corner at that moment and saw us. He glared daggers at Jamie. This wasn't going to be good.

",what did you tell him," asher said in calm anger.

",about the sighting of your mother,...I had permission," Jamie glared back.

",By who?,"

",Tj said the big man himself said he has more reason then anyone else to know,...........and I don't mean just about his mother," Jamie glared at Asher before puishing past him.

I look at my brother in pure anger, what did he mean 'and I don't mean just about his mother'? what is he keeping from me?, my thoughts ran wild.

",Alex, I think you should go back to your roo-,"

",what are you hiding from me," I calmly cut him off with a daggered glare.

",Nothing you need to know," Asher replied calmly.

",I have just as much right as everyone else!," I snapped as light growls started to leave my throat.

",Not if it endangers us all!," he replied.

That snapped me, my whole body burned like it was on fire. My bones snapped, cracked and twisted. Pitch black fur covered my body and I could painfully feeling my tail bone growing (little known fact, every human being has a tail bone XP).

",You wanna fight? Fine by me!," Asher yelled ad his body changed as well.

A low growl left Asher's throat as he glared at me.
Bring it asshole.

I jumped at him pinning at him down, repeatedly trying to snap at him. He pushed me off and dashed down the stairs, me following right on his tail. He broke through the door and tried to run, I then jumped at him and clawed at his chest. Deep cuts covered his chest and face, he clawed at me and only left small cuts but he got me off him.

",you can't beat spent your life away from who you are and haven't had any practice," Asher mocked thought a mind link. Pinning me down as he tried to snap at me.

",I can beat any asshole in my way,"  I snapped back. As I pushed him off me, quickly getting to my feet.

And jumped at him....

Cliffhanger XP

That'd the end of the chapter,
Hope you like it so far.

And I'm so so so sorry for not updating sooner.
My sisters been really sick and I've been the one looking after her :-( not fun.....


Bye byeee for now XD

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