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I woke to the purring of Giant Fuckin leopards lieing either side of me, I sighed and tried to get up. But when I tried to a sharp pain shot up the lower part of my back. Shocked at the pain I fell back into the bed. 'why did my back hurt?' I thought to myself. then it hit me like a bullet, I then pushed Ethan and Nathan off the bed, my face redder than a apple.

Nathan cried out in pain when he hit the floor while Ethan stayed asleep.     (-_-).

",Alex! What was that for?," Nathan asked partly mad as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

",It's your fault! Your fault!," I yelled waking up Ethan.

",Hay, quit the yelling its too fuckin early," Ethan cursed rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

That's when someone just had to knock on the door, there was no better time, was there?

",Who is it?," I called.

",It's Jamie, I would like a word with you Jamie, if you wouldn't mind,"

",He's busy," Ethan yelled back.

",Alex I'm sure you'd be very interested in what I have to say," Jamie said ignoring Ethan.

", it's early Jamie, can it wait," I sighed still tired.

",God damn it Alex we've caught sightings of your mother.......she got away,"

I froze at those words. A sharp pain hit my chest as I sat up in shock.

She Got Away!?

Sorry for the short chapter, but yeah XP......

Byee byeee for now.....

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