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Hello minna-san, this will be my very first story I'll upload using this account. But, yeah, I have my mistakes and flaws. I apologize once again for the crappy stuffs I wrote and the mistakes I made, feel free to correct anything you thought is not supposed to be there or anything... enjoy... (The picture isn't mine to begin with, all credits goes to the creator).

Hey, I am (Y/N), a normal teenage girl. Well, not so normal, if you count the castle we live in and the title they address us with. Anyways, I have a curly dark brown-black hair and black colored eyes. My skin is fair and not tan at all, I'm not that tall not that short. 5 feet 6 inches is my height. (Change anything according to your own likings) I'm really shy at first but if I get comfortable with you, prepare to see a wild side. Well, so far it's normal and all. But you see, there's a time when we reached the age of sixteen where we'll be forced to come to balls and dancing events to be placed in an 'arranged marriage'. Right now it's safe to say, I'm a royalty, a princess.

Well that's the introduction to my life... it is boring huh? I'm sorry... I'll try and improve in the future, please read the next chapters to understand about the whole story ehee:) Thanks for reading anyways...

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