Chapter 24 - We're off to see the Ghosts

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Sanji was busy packing our 'pirate lunch boxes', as Luffy had so eloquently named them, as the rest of us were preparing our supplied to set off towards the island.

I took over the role of collecting a few medical supplies together, seeing as our doctor was missing from our troupe. The others had agreed that I would be the designated doctor for the trip until we re-joined with the others. Robin and I were the only two qualified for the position, as we spent the most time with Chopper's books along with my previous occupation, though the others weren't privy to that bit of information. Robin had quickly stepped back from the role, saying how she would be too interested in studying the wound to help, something we had all begrudgingly admitted. Whilst Robin was extremely intelligent, she definitely had a weird fascination with anything morbid. The others were pulling together the last of the supplies, which gave me the chance to brood by the bulwarks of the ship.

I regarded the dark island, its depths concealed by mist and shadow, leaving much to the imagination. The faint howling of a lone wolf echoed across the planes, with the dry leaves of the damaged trees blowing from side to side, attributing to the eerie atmosphere. There was something awfully foreboding about the place, already knowing that something would go horribly wrong for us. After all, didn't it always.

"I'm all set. Does anyone else want to get anything before we sail closer to the island?" Franky asked. I shook my head in response as the others agreed, everyone already set to go. As Franky began our approach, Robin came to stand closer to where I stood, watching the scenery pass by as I did.

"Is something wrong Lana?" Robin asked placing her hand on my shoulder in worry, I could only sigh in response, running a hand through my short ruffled hair. 

"I really don't know Robin. There's something that keeps nagging at me, as if warning me not to go any further" I continued to look off into the distance. Hearing a sigh and a mumbled agreement, the both of remained in continued silence as the ship sailed through the still waters. Of course, the dreary silence that consumed us was abruptly shattered by Luffy's enthusiasm.

"Let's head out to our new adventure!" He shouted pointing ahead, the others could only throw him dirty look though our esteemed chef had a few choice words for the idiot.

"WE'RE GOING TO SAVE NAMI-SAN, SO DON'T GET ANY IDEAS!" He shouted, his eyes blazing with anger as he regarded the island and Luffy with fury. Regarding their antics with displeasure, I only clicked my tongue in disbelief.

"Both of you have to be the biggest idiots I will ever meet in my entire life. This is a rescue mission for all three members of our crew you imbeciles" I chided, at this point nothing they did or said was surprising. 

Franky continued to steer us through the waters, which was beginning to transition into swampy marshes as we drew closer to land. We hadn't run into any further problems, but that was until we came across the largest spiderweb we had ever seen.

"Wow. How big do you think the thing is if it spun that?" Sanji asked in wonder, whilst the others regarded the structure with wonder, I could only regard it with anxiety and disgust.

"I don't like spiders" I muttered, shuddering at the thought of the eight-legged creatures. I heard a snort from my left, turning to see Zoro trying to stifle his snicker. 

"It's not funny" I whined, stumping my foot on the floor slightly in frustration at his amusement, which only widened his grin. I was aware I was acting like a petulant child, but the disgust at the creatures allowed me to ignore my behaviour.

"Oh shut up" I muttered, which only earned me a chortle as he openly laughed at my actions. I turned away, keeping an eye out on any thing that had more than two legs. Before long, Franky docked the ship at a small wooden harbour. We disembarked, choosing to leave the Sunny unguarded. 

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