☁Chapter 12

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Nowadays Fort is very busy with the company’s work. The company was taking in interns from colleges. During their initial stage, they didn’t hold much scope.

It’s been two weeks since they last met, and Fort will occasionally send him a text message in his spare time.

Peat saw with much satisfaction and happiness, that this mode of contact was like two friends getting along.

He had liked Fort for many years and no longer believed that he had any hope of being able to tell him.

In the evening Noeul who was accompanied by Boss invited him to a meal. He has always been quite envious of Boss and Noeul, because they mutually liked each other, from student days until now.

Noeul placed his hands on Peat’s shoulders to speak: "The dishes from this restaurant are particularly delicious. I just wanted to take only you along with me, but Boss followed along."

Peat said with a smile, "If you don’t take him along with you, he will start crying."

Boss with his hands in his pockets, asked Peat with an expressionless face, "Peat, what possessed you?"

Noeul was also shocked, "Good boy! Did you really make fun of Boss!?"

Peat asked as if he found it strange, "Did I?"

"Yes, you did!" Noeul said while hugging him.

Boss immediately pulled him apart and asked, "Just talk. Why do you wanna hug him?"

Noeul was so excited that he shook off his hands, and said, "You go away. It is really nice that good boy is happy every day. Fort is a magician."

Boss suddenly realized, "No wonder. So you saw Fort?"

Peat nodded happily, "Yeah! We’ve become friends."

Noeul looked at him with eyes filled with happiness, "That’s great."

He has been watching Peat secretly like Fort for so many years. During Peat’s school days, he was an introvert. Apart from Noeul, he rarely talked with any people. The crazy things that happened in Peat’s plain life were all for Fort.

For the first time, he said to Noeul that he liked someone while blushing.

For the first time, he was so stirred up that he took Noeul to fight the gangsters who blocked Fort's path.


So You Like Me Too (FortPeat AU)Where stories live. Discover now