Full-Force of the Kitoto Assassins

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~On Kitoto~

Bird-man Leyroye's wings flapped, holding on tight to his katana. "You are disgusting people..." He muttered, still bleeding a little after the fight with Perospero. He had been flying for over a day now and still hadn't landed back on Kitoto. He was tired; especially after fighting and getting punched in the gut a few times. "That tongue creep must've done some internal damage." He muttered, grabbing onto his side. He locked his eyes on the dock and sat his feet down, finally taking a breath. "Boss isn't gonna be happy to hear about this..." He wheezed. He ran across the town, knowing he'd be in trouble even more than he was already if he were late. He stumbled through the door, leaving bloody footprints as he stepped, people offering to help him, but he promptly refused. Leyroye slammed open the door, grabbed a cigarette out of his pocket and lit it, then smiled at the boss. "Well, you may want to hear this..." Leyroye said, the crap-eating smile on his face a false image of confidence. The boss glared at him. "What did you do, Bird-man?" He asked, getting up from his chair, his slicked back, grey hair shining under the harsh lighting. Leyroye chuckled. "Well, that man that's with YN sure is a strong fighter." He said, wiping a little blood from his lip. "And?!" The muscular man boomed, throwing his sausage-like hands on the table. "And YN is in love with that creep. I don't know how he did it or if it's some devil-fruit, but something isn't right with her." He muttered, leaning on the wall. "That piece of- Go patch yourself up, then grab the other two high-end assassins and we'll head out." He muttered, shaking his head. "Alrighty mister, I'll be right back!" He said, walking out into the hall.

He had his side patched up and had a glass of water and a thirty-minute nap, then he went down the stairs and knocked on the door. He pushed it open and sitting at a table were two people: the other two high-end assassins. "The Stalker" Kairo Beckard and "Double-Double" Inasa Anelika sat at a table across from each other. "Bird-man." Kairo called out, sighing at the man. He chuckled. "Kairo. Inasa. I see you guys have been spending your time wisely!" He spoke. Inasa shook his head. "You had us worried sick- You also know how Mr. V reacts when you fail a mission, too. Can't go on losing my partner, aye?" Inasa asked, turning his head. "Mr. V? Did boss give ya permission to call him that?" Leyroye asked, shaking his head. Inasa smiled. "If he doesn't know then it isn't a problem." He said, smiling wide. "So, to cut to the chase, what in the world are we supposed to do with the traitor?" Kairo asked him, picking up her cigarette. Leyroye nodded. "Boss has yet to tell us. Probably murder." Leyroye said, smiling wide. Kairo chuckled, purple colored smoke filling the room as she did, her black hair shimmering purple in it. Inasa leaned over, his light blonde hair wrapping the chair. He leaned back, his light blue eyes staring over at Leyroye. "So, we're gonna commit another murder, aye?" Kairo asked, holding onto the table. Inasa smirked. "Probably." He muttered. Leyroye nodded. "Y'all ought to head up with me. Or boss will probably be mad." He muttered, shaking his head. Kairo nodded. "Ok, then. Lead the way "Bird-man". She said, standing up from the seat with a fluff of smoke. Inasa followed after her and the three of them hiked up the stairs.

They stood in a line in front of their older boss, his brown eyes scanning over the three he called the "high-end assassins". "I know you three know why you're here, so let's cut to the chase; bring back YN LN's head, I don't care what you have to do, who you have to kill, just bring back that woman's head. Bonus points for the one we gave her the wanted poster of." He said, leaning on the desk. Kairo nodded. The boss threw down a piece of paper to the three of them, and Inasa caught it. "YN LN... Oh, I was hoping it wasn't her..." He said, sighing. Leyroye clicked his tongue. "I expected nothing more. What if we end up getting our butts kicked? What'll happen if we can't beat her and that disgusting man?" Leyroye asked, leaning on his hand. Mr. V chuckled, his voice loud. "Then you three will get what's coming to you. Kairo, who has a perfect record so far, will probably just lose a finger, you two, on the other hand though, will lose your lives." He said, making Kairo nod pridefully. Leyroye and Inasa uncomfortably turned to each other. "Maybe this'll be our last mission together, oh no..." Inasa muttered, his blue eyes looking down at the floor. Leyroye rubbed the back of his neck. "Tch... We might be able to finish this dang mission, let's hope that's the case." Leyroye tuned in, shaking his head. Inasa smiled over at him. "Let's hope so." He said, blushing a little. 

The three of them set out and began to sail back towards Totto Land. "Kairo, how long will it take to get to Whole Cake Island?" Inasa inquired. Kairo clicked her tongue. "If Leyroye were able to fly us both there, it would only take maybe half a day or so... but sailing like this means that we'll be there in two or three days." Kairo said, glaring at Leyroye. Leyroye shrugged. "I can't carry two people! I can do one for sure, but two? We'd fall in the ocean and drown before we got to our destination. Is that what you want, Kairo?" Leyroye asked, glaring back at her. She scoffed. "I just want to kill this lady and get out of there. I want my dang money." Kairo muttered, kicking the mast of the ship. Inasa smiled wide. "I'm going to enjoy this trip! I've never been to Totto Land! It's so exciting!" Inasa said, his eyes sparkling. Leyroye chuckled and put his arm around Inasa's shoulder. "I'm glad you're excited, but you may want to take this more seriously, Inasa." Leyroye said, smiling wide. Inasa chuckled. "I'm still excited! You want to get some authentic Totto Land coffee? It would be a great outing for the two of us!" Inasa said, beaming. "Inasa! Leyroye! Take this dang thing seriously or neither of you will get to have another date after all this." Kairo yelled, trying to get their attention. "Now, go unfurl the sails, Leyroye. We have to get sailing." Kairo said, pointing up to the sails. 

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