Meet Me in the Dining Room

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Perospero and I went to the room Big Mom had designated to me. I laid down my suitcase on the biscuit dresser in the corner of the room. "Is that all you need, darling?" Perospero asked, surveying my room. "Oh, yeah. That's about it." I said, unzipping my suitcase. Perospero nodded. "Good. Dinner is at five. You don't have to attend lunch, but we're all required to go to dinner with Mama... It's an odd tradition." He spoke. I nodded. "Alright, I'll make certain to be on time. Do I have a designated chair or-" "Mama will bring you one. When you enter the room, she'll show you where to sit. It's a large table since there are eighty-six of us including Mama. You might need a map or something!" Perospero said, cackling at his own joke. "Eighty-six of you?! Holy crap! How?!" I yelled, rather surprised at his comment. Perospero then chuckled again. "Ah, I forgot not everyone knows the size of my family... and imagine! I'm the eldest!" He said, laughing again. "Dang... I couldn't even imagine that. I bet you're the one everyone comes to for advice, am I right?" I asked, pointing towards him. He shook his head. "No... Although I may be the actual oldest around here, most people treat brother Katakuri like he's the oldest. Less on my plate then, I guess!" Perospero said, rubbing the back of his neck. I looked at him suspiciously. 'Are you useful to anyone around here? It's kind of sad...' I thought to myself, feeling somewhat bad for him. "I probably know what you're thinking." He said, shaking his head. I turned my head. "No, I don't do much around here other than fight... I'm more of a figurehead, darling." He said, patting my shoulder again. He then walked over to the door. "If you need anything, YN, I'm certainly here! I'm staying on Whole Cake for now, I'm a couple rooms down!" He said, smiling at me. I nodded. "Thanks, Perospero." I said, smirking at him. He nodded, then left my room. 

I grabbed the picture frame out of my suitcase and sat it down on the biscuit nightstand that was next to the soft looking bed. I flopped down onto the bed and sighed into the pillow. 'Man, why's that the guy I've got to kill?' I thought to myself. 'I have to do it, though. He's probably faking all of that sad, sob story garbage; he's a Charlotte. I heard they kill by faking out their opponent, just like he's probably trying to do with me. I'm not going to get tricked; I'm not going to let him gain my trust.' I thought to myself, trying to drown out the sympathetic thoughts in my head for Perospero. I rolled over and looked up at the ceiling. 'I have a month until I get married to one of her sons. I have to get Perospero's head and get off of this island by then." I thought to myself, rubbing my eyes. I turned and looked over at the clock on the wall. 'Twelve-o-clock.' I thought to myself. 'I've got about five hours 'till I have to go to dinner... What do I do until then?' I asked myself, still lying in my bed. I turned around and looked at the door. 'Let's just go wander the castle. I ought to find something interesting.' I thought, smirking. I then got up from my bed and went over to the door. I clicked open the doorknob and looked out into the hallway. I saw a couple of chess piece guards marching down the halls. "Hey!" I yelled to them, running towards them. "Ah, Miss YN! How can we help you?" One of them asked. "Can you direct me to the kitchen? I'd really appreciate it!" I asked, smiling wide at them. They looked at each other and nodded. "Follow us, ma'am!" The other one said, gesturing down the hall. 

I followed after the guards through the hallways and rooms until they arrived at another set of large doors, they pulled them open for me. "This is the kitchen and dining room! Cracker-sama and Amande-sama are here right now, make sure to be polite!" The guards said in unison. "Alrighty! Thank you!" I said, smiling at the two of them. "Of course!" They both said. I then walked into the kitchen and two people turned to face me. "Who the heck are you?" The purple haired one asked. The tall, pale woman with blue hair turned to him. "Didn't you hear? Mama says that there's someone new joining the family... YN, isn't it?" She asked me. "Yep, that's me." I said in a confident tone. She nodded. "I'm Amande, your soon-to-be sister-in-law. This is Cracker." She said, pointing to her brother. "Ah, new meat. Cool!" He said, beginning to laugh. Amande shivered. "We couldn't come up with anything better to do before dinner so we're sitting and chatting here. Want to join us?" She asked me, her tone soft. "I was just going to raid the pantry, but sure!" I said, walking over to the extremely long table. "Wow... This room is even bigger than Perospero made it out to be." I said, in awe of the size of the dining room. Cracker then chuckled again. "Yeah, it's a pretty dang big room, and Peros-nii isn't the best one to be describin' things like that." Cracker said, smiling wide. Amande sighed. "Don't talk about our older brother like that." She said, shaking her head at him. Cracker let out a long sigh. "Fine. So, you're the new woman. It's nice to meet ya'." Cracker said, holding out his hand. "Nice to meet you, too." I said, shaking his large and calloused hand. Cracker smirked at Amande. "She's pretty dang polite. It'll be interesting to see what kinds of weird questions the family asks her at dinner tonight." Cracker said, cackling. Amande then sighed again. "I hope none. We're a pirate group, but we aren't a bunch of savages." She said, adjusting her hat. "Same difference." Cracker said, sticking out his tongue at Amande. "Oh! Do you guys know where I'm supposed to sit...? Perospero said Big Mom would assign a seat to me when I got here but I don't know if that's the truth or not." I said, shrugging my shoulders. Amande shook her head. "Peros-nii is right, she'll just randomly assign you a seat. Likely by someone you've already met so you have someone to chat with at least. So probably Cracker, Peros-nii or I, if I had a guess." Amande spoke. I nodded. "Makes sense." I said, smirking. "I'd like to get to know you guys more, so I certainly won't just be talking to one of you!" I said, smiling wide. 'Great lie, just keep lying to them, gain their trust.' I thought to myself. Cracker laughed at my comment. "It'll be chaos, but at least the food's good!" He said, smiling wide. "I look forward to it, then." I said, smiling wide at the two of them.

We then got to talking about my trip and some of the Charlotte Family's past experiences and we lost track of time. I then noticed more and more people piled into the dining room. As they entered, Amande told me their names and had them introduce themselves to me. The most notable of which being the fabled Charlotte Katakuri, who simply nodded to me as an introduction. I started to get deep into conversation with Amande about where her clothes were from, but I noticed that Cracker was staring at something. "Cracker? What is it?" I asked him, looking up at the tall man. "I don't know which one of us he's staring at, but since Peros-nii has gotten here he hasn't taken his eyes off us..." Cracker said, slightly intimidated. "Probably YN, she's probably the one he's staring at. She's new around here so of course someone has to be suspicious of her." Amande said, shaking her head. 'Suspicious? Me?! Oh of course not!' I thought to myself in a joking tone. "Why don't I go and talk to him? Thank you for chatting with me, you two." I said, smiling wide at them. "Yeah! No problem! You've got some fun traits to ya', YN!" Cracker said, smiling wide. "I agree with Cracker. Come chat with me again sometime. Maybe I'll take you out shopping." Amande said, nodding at me. "Thanks, Amande, Cracker. I'll talk to you guys later!" I said, smiling towards them. 

I waved to Perospero, but when I did so, his face turned a bright red and he turned away from me. I chuckled a little. 'Oh look, he's all flustered.' I thought in a mocking tone, smirking. I walked over to Perospero and poked his arm. "Hey Peros, I saw you staring at me." I said, a mischievous smile plastered on my face. Perospero sighed. "Sorry... I didn't actually mean to be staring at you. I just got... distracted." He said, the look on his face distant. I then felt my heart skip a beat at the somewhat peaceful look on his face. I snapped into real life, and I ruffled my hair. 'AH! What are you thinking, YN! Get your head in the game!" I thought, shaking my head. "What in the world were you doing then?" I asked. "Ah... I just saw you having fun and appreciated the fact that you were starting to feel at home here... or so I assumed." He said, shaking his head. I clicked my tongue. "Your siblings sure are odd, but your sister Amande is great." I said, smiling up at him. Perospero let out a small chuckle. "Good. I'm glad you're getting along with them." He said, smiling at me. I looked up at him and noticed he still had a distant look on his face. I then cleared my throat. "Uh... You got any candy?" I asked in a silent manner, trying to make him laugh. Perospero then broke out laughing. "Oh YN! Of course." He said, pulling another lollipop off his hat. "Don't eat too much now, dinner's always great around here." He said, smiling wide at me. "I certainly hope so." I said, taking a lick of the lollipop. 

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