Admit His Mistakes

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Perospero and I walked together to the restaurant he had us reservations for. When we walked in, he put on the intimidating act, so the people would get us seated quickly as possible. They sat us down in the back room of the restaurant and I could hear them talk about Perospero; the mocking and teasing of a Charlotte. He sat there though, staring lovingly at me like he couldn't hear. I heard their laughter cease, so I reached across the table and grabbed his hand. "Why is it people talk about you like that? You have the power to kill all of them why don't the treat you like they should-" "I can't control people, YN. They do what they want. I'm not going to stop them, so they can do what they want." He said, shaking his head. "Wha- But Peros..." I said, squeezing his hand a little.

He lifted my hand up and kissed my hand. "Listen, I have a feeling I'm not going to be around for a lot longer." He said, holding my hand tight. I was taken aback. "What... What do you mean by that?" I asked, holding his hand even tighter than before. "I mean- Before I met you, YN, there were people out to get me. I couldn't take any of it anymore; people wouldn't let me change." He said, keeping a tight grasp on my hand. "I turned in my wanted poster to some small assassin organization and was hoping someone would come along, collect my bounty money, and make a great life for themselves!" He said, beginning to chuckle. I actually began to feel tears in my eyes. 'So it was you, aye? You're the one who hired me. You stupid, stupid man.' I thought to myself, grabbing tight onto his hand. "YN, no... Please don't cry." He said, beginning to get up from his seat. "Charlotte Perospero!" I yelled, gently letting go of his hand, then slamming both of mine on the table. "I will do anything and everything in my power to keep you from getting hurt. I'll keep you away from all of that! I won't let a single assassin even come near you." I said, grabbing onto the table cloth. 'No one except me, I guess.' I thought, making me wince a little. "YN..." He said in a gentle manner. I reached across the table and gently cupped the side of his pale face. "I won't let them hurt you, Peros." I said, a few tears going into free-fall. Perospero was shocked. He didn't really know how to respond. "And don't you EVER pull anything like that again. I don't care who you become or who you used to be, you're my Perospero and that's what matters." I said, still not letting go of him. He let out a small sigh, but he leaned into my hand lovingly, putting his hand on top of mine. "I'm sorry, YN." He said in a quiet manner, keeping his focus on me. "I love you..." He muttered, trying to hold me near him. A small smile came across my face as my darling seemed fine for once. I leaned across the table and kissed his forehead. "I love you too, Peros." I said, smiling at him.

I went back into my chair and wiped the tears from my eyes. "Sorry, didn't mean to lose it on you" I said, shaking my head. He chuckled a little. "I get where you're coming from. I'm glad you're here, though. I may be dead at this point if you hadn't shown up." He muttered, stuffing part of his face into his sweater. 'Yeah, likely because of me.' I thought, shaking my head. Perospero smiled at me. "Now that all of... that has been cleared, all that we're to do now is wait for our meal." He said, leaning on the table. "Yeah... let's do so." I said, smiling a little.

The waiters brought around our lunch, and we ate in silence, but a comfortable silence, not one that disturbed the either of us. We ate, sitting, not making a sound other than the bustle of people around us. After a little while, Peros and I split the check and walked back to the Whole Cake Chateau hand in hand. As we walked, he gently rubbed the back of my hand; a small gesture, bit certainly a cute one. 'I didn't think you were the type to be so romantic.' I thought, smiling at him. We both entered the Whole Cake Chateau, and I mentioned how I had to go help out the maids, so Perospero let me go and do what I was going to do.

The entire time my mind wandered to Perospero, and his brutally honest confession. 'I don't know if I should leave him by himself. It doesn't sound smart...' I thought, trying to focus on cleaning. "Ah... Miss YN..." One of the maids said, trying to get my attention. I whipped around and met her gaze. "Are you alright, ma'am? You don't seem to be in the room." She inquired, a hint of worry in her voice. "Ah... Yeah, I'm fine." I said, but right after I finished my sentence, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and Amande was there. "YN. You and I have to chat." She said, a stern look plastered on her face. I nodded, but Amande started leading me by my shoulder into another room.

"Sit down." She said, shoving me into the room. "Amande! What are you doing?!" I yelled as she locked the door behind me, glaring at me in the eyes. "I know what you're really here for." She said, her hand reaching for her sword. "Let me know, YN LN, why you're acting like you're a part of our family, you dense, dirty dog!" She said, visibly angry at me. "I- I really don't know what you mean, Amande-" "You know exactly what I mean! You've gained the trust of brother Peros and all you're trying to do is kill him! You think we wouldn't find out, huh? You're severely underestimating the Charlotte family." She cursed, holding the end of the katana against the edge of my throat. "Listen, Amande!" I sputtered. She turned her head. "You've got a minute until I kill you, woman." She said, calming down for a moment. "I admit, I certainly was coming here to collect the bounty on your brother's head-" I said as her katakana moved ever so slightly closer to my neck. "But I decided not to, that I'd be more happy living with all of you than living off of the money I got from killing your brother." I admitted. She looked at me in a more confused manner. "You have all right to kill me, I have plotted against you and your family... and your darling older brother, but I have had a change of heart, so please reconsider, sister Amande." I spoke. Amande took her blade from my neck and sheathed it. "Sister Amande, huh? You hadn't ever call me that unless you marry my brother." She said, still glaring at me. I let out a deep sigh. "I hope all of that you've said was truth." She said, shaking her head. "You're not... going to tell Peros about any of this, are you?" I asked, moving away from the wall. She shook her head. "No reason to ruin a perfectly good relationship; and if you have genuinely had a change of heart, then I see no reason to be afraid." She said, unlocking the door. "I expect to see you at dinner, YN. It'll be a good one." She said, waving to me as she walked off. I sighed then slumped to the floor. 'Wow, that was terrifying.' I thought, trying to catch my breath.

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