The Charlotte Family

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Perospero and I walked towards the Whole Cake Chateau in complete silence. We only heard the noise of the bustling people around us and the clicking of our shoes. "You know... Mama's been interested in you for a while. Your brother had mentioned you a few times but until now she didn't have the chance to talk to you." He said, smiling. I looked down at the ground. "Ah... I didn't assume you'd had any previous information on me."  I said, rubbing the back of my neck. Perospero then chuckled again. "We wouldn't accept some random woman we hadn't ever heard of before to join the Charlote family!" He said, smiling wide. "Also, we have been wanting so deeply to have Armour-Bethel's 'problem child' as our weapon. We're just glad you've finally showed up." Perospero said, smiling wide. I clicked my tounge. "How insulting." I said, shaking my head. Perospero turned his head. "Oh, I mean being called Armour-Bethel's 'problem child'. It's rather insulting." I said, shaking my head. Perospero nodded. "How in the world does one even get that title?" He asked me, turning his head. "Ah well... It's none of your business." I said, poking his chest. He then began to laugh again. 'Wow, that laugh's annoying.' I thought to myself as I glared at Perospero. "Well, whatever it may be, you're certainly welcome here... As long as Mama likes you." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Ah right. Big Mom." I said, remembering the emperor. Perospero nodded. "Yes, dear Mama... I bet if you join our crew you'll have to marry one of my brothers." He spoke. This comment surprised me for certain. "What- Marriage?!" I yelled, pretty surprised. "Well of course!" He said, visibly entertained at my comment. "You can't just waltz in and join the Charlotte family, YN." He said, smiling wide. 'Should I get rid of him now or see how this plays out..?' I thought to myself, looking up at the tall man.

We got up to the gate and Perospero held his hand out, signaling for me to not go any further. "It's a gate, darling. You have to be careful." He said, patting my shoulder. "Oh. Right." I said, stepping back once more. An odd looking guard ran up to Perospero. 'Is he a... chess piece?' I thought. He then turned to me. "Be prepared to meet Mama." Perospero said, his expression more serious than before. "Don't pull anything dumb. I'd probably partially get in trouble for it." He said, shaking his head. I chuckled a little. "What in the world do you mean by that?" I asked, a devious smile on my face. "I mean Mama will kill the both of us, YN." He said, sighing. I was somewhat taken aback. "She'd kill one of her sons?" I asked, rather surprised. Perospero gave me a false chuckle this time. I could certainly tell. "Yes... Her sons aren't her sons, YN. We're more like soldiers if anything to her. Higher ranking ones than the homies... but of course." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

The gate then began to open, revealing to me the inside portion of Whole Cake Island. "Woah, look at this place!" I yelled, forgetting why I was here for a minute. "Are you a fan of sweets, darling?" He asked me, turning his head. "Well of course- Who wouldn't be?" I asked him. Perospero nodded, then reached up to the top of his hat and pulled off one of the lollipops I simply thought were decoration. "Here, I would have given you one sooner but I didn't know if you'd want one!" Perospero said, cackling rather loudly. I took the lollipop but looked at it suspiciously. "You're not trying to poison me, are you?" I asked, looking up at the tall man. He then began to laugh harder. "Of course not! YN, why in the world would you think that? Mama would definetly have my head then!" He said, shaking his head. I then suspiciously stuck the lollipop in my mouth. "Dang, this is good. Where'd you get 'em from? I'd love to buy some." I said, rather surprised at the flavor. He then began to chuckle. "Oh, trade secret, darling, but I'll certainly give you the rest once we get inside." He said, pointing up to his hat. "Ah, thank you." I said, shaking my head, trying to remember that this man is the enemy.

Once the gate was fully open, Perospero gestured to it. "Head on inside, I'll follow in after you." He said, smiling at me. I nodded, then walked in through the gate into the sweet smelling building. It was impressive, the amount of what resembled sweets that made up that weird building. I walked through halls, Perospero directing me to the room I was supposed to go to. The guards that resembled chess pieces then opened the large gate in front of us, and behind the door stood the giant woman; Big Mom. She looked down at the two of us and began to laugh. "Ah! It's the 'problem child' and my eldest son! How are you two?" She asked, smiling down at the two of us. Perospero looked up at her and smiled wide. "Lovely, Mama! I've brought lovely Miss YN from the dock!" He said, gesturing to me. "Good job, good job!" She boomed, looking down at the two of us. "So, tell me about yourself, YN... Do you have a devil-fruit? I assume I already know where you're from..." She said, smiling towards me. "Yes, I am from the island of Armour-Bethel as you probably guessed, and although I don't have a devil-fruit, I have high level haki. My armament haki surpasses many I've faced before." I said, smiling wide. "Ah yes... Sounds like you'd be a great addition around here, but may I ask one question, YN?" Big Mom asked me. "Yeah, of course." I said, nodding. "Why is it you want to join my pirate crew?" She asked. My eyes darted over to Perospero. 'Of course I can't tell the emperor I want to kill her son... what do I say...?' I thought to myself. "I want a future for me. I've been working by myself for too long now. I felt it was finally time to join a pirate crew since I myself am not suitable to be a captain." I said, smiling wife. 'Good lie.' I thought to myself, somewhat proud. Big Mom laughed rather loudly. "Ah, well... If that's the case, then in about a month or so we'll find you one of my sons to marry... How does that sound?" She asked, smiling at me. 'Sounds absolutely horrible, lady.' I thought. "Sounds great, I look forward to meeting my future husband." I said, offering her a fake smile. "You know, Perospero... I think we should let her have a say in this. She is a valuable asset to us, especially against Armour-Bethel. Maybe, if she falls in love with one of your brothers... or you, even, she should get to choose who she marries." Big Mom said. Perospero looked shocked at that comment. "But- But Mama! That's giving this woman too much power!" He yelled, pointing to me like a child. I scoffed. "Do you really think I'm going to overuse this privilege? I'll probably just let Big Mom decide who I'll marry and that'll be that. I've never fallen in love and don't plan to start now." I said, crossing my arms. "Well, if you have a suggestion I'd love to hear it." Big Mom said, still smiling at me. I nodded at her and Perospero sighed a sigh of relief. "Perospero!" Big Mom yelled. He shot up straight. "Yes- Yes Mama?" He asked, his voice shaky. "Bring YN to her room, and carry that suitcase for her! Be a gentleman for once." She said, shooing him away. Perospero nodded. "Yes Mama!" He said, taking my suitcase.

We walked back out into the hallway and I took my suitcase back from Perospero. "You don't have to do that." I said, holding onto it tightly. "If you insist..." He said, still slightly shaken. 'So I've got a month to kill this guy... sounds reasonable enough.' I thought, looking up at him. Just then, an odd thought passed through my head. 'You know, he's pretty polite, maybe we could bring him in alive?' I thought to myself. I then shook my head. 'No, boss specifically told me to bring his head.' I then thought. I looked up at Perospero and sighed. "Sorry..." I muttered under my breath, not realizing I had actually said something. "What was that?" He asked, somewhat curious. I jumped back a little. "Oh! Nothing!" I said, rather embarrassed.

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