Chapter 4 : Journey To The Land Of God

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10th of January 2023, now 05:25

Qua Toyne Principality

Maihark city

Port of Maihark

Early in the morning, we can see several horse-drawn carriages heading to the port of Maihark while being accompanied by a small number of troops. Once at the port, the first prince of Qua Toyne, Alois Qua Aeyfre, and a diplomat named Yagou exited the carriage.

They were members of the Qua Toyne delegation travelling to Majapahit to continue prior diplomatic negotiations.

One of the delegation members complained, "I hate travelling by ship it's dark and humid and we can even get sick on long voyages, though I'm not a person who gets seasick easily.

"Don't grumble too much, it's not good, maybe a country that has iron dragons and iron ships may make living on a ship feel like living in a royal palace," said Alois.

Yagou then added to what Prince Alois had just said, saying, "Even from the report I heard that Majapahit's ship can carry us there in just 2 days."

They admired the lovely sunrise as they waited at the harbor's edge.

Soon after, a speed boat approached, followed by a larger ship.

One of the delegation members said, "Woah, that thing is enormous."

The speedboat soon arrived at the harbor, and then a man in his early 40s got out.

The man introduced himself, "let me introduce myself, my name is Bonar Ekawira I am the minister of foreign affairs of Majapahit as well as your tour guide" stated Bonar, Alif, who was supposed to be their guide, had to travel to the kingdom of Quilla, after they heard about the kingdom of Quilla from Qua Toyne during a diplomatic conference between the two, Alif was immediately dispatched there and his previous duty would be overtaken by Bonar

"Well, at least I'm not sitting around on the ship, this reminds me of my youth when I had to work as a tourist guide to pay my college tuition," Bonar reflected.

After a brief introduction, the members of the Qua Toyne delegation boarded the vessel and once all of them were aboard, the ship sailed immediately towards the enormous ship.

As time passed, the Qua Toyne delegation's ship drew nearer to the large ship. The ship was a cruise ship owned by a private corporation known as Wilkataksini Maritime Industries. The delegation members boarded the ship right away and were astounded by how luxurious and stunning the ship's interior looked when they saw it for the first time.

Yagou, who was in awe of the location, remarked, "This cabin is shining, do light fairies reside on this ship?"

"Is your leader the owner of this magnificent ship?" Alois, who was equally taken aback by the ship's interior, commented that it was even better and more lovely than the Daendro Palace.

Bonar answered, "No, Your Highness, neither the maharaja nor the mahapatih own this ship, though some members of the royal family have traveled on board."

Alois questioned, "Then who owns this ship?"

"This ship was constructed and is operated by a private entity," stated Bonar, whose response made Alois even more astonished; in his thoughts, he wondered, "How rich is Majapahit that a private entity can own a floating luxury castle?"

One of the delegation members inquired, "Mr Bonar, allow me to ask you a question. I see this ship has no sail, then how can this ship sail?"

Bonar remarked, "Let me show you how this ship sails."

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