Chapter 3 : Sun Warrior Diplomacy

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7th of January 2023, now 13:07

Qua Toyne Principality

maihark city

port of maihark

A lot of commercial activity can be seen in the port of Maihark during the sunny day, including merchant ships coming and leaving the port, fishing boats unloading their cargo of fish, and a market with numerous sale and purchase activities taking place.

Ghazi bin Dawud, a well-known merchant from the kingdom of Altaras, said, "It seems that my goods this time are selling well, the magic stone from my country is certainly the best. But it is also quite concerning that a beautiful country like this will be devastated by war." Ghazi then disembarked in his merchant flotilla to return to Altaras.

But before he could board his vessel, a resident shouted, "Hey look, there's a massive ship heading this way!" Naturally, everyone's attention was directed toward the sea, and it was right that a huge ship was so large that someone seeing it from a distance may mistake it for an island.

Ghazi, who was still unable to believe it, said, "by the grace of the sultan, what the hell is that?"

People began to run in fear thinking a ship from Lauria would invade Qua toyne, which quickly caused the market and port to become chaotic.

Soon a group of city guards as well as several knights arrived to restore order. One of the knights also stated that the ship was not an invading force and their purpose in Qua Toyne was to establish diplomatic ties. After hearing the statements of the knight, the citizens started to calm down, but they remained concerned—who are they?, and what was their true intention?

7th of January 2023, now 13:22

Qua Toyne Principality

Maihark city

Gundala palace

Prime Minister Kanata was seen standing and staring at the sky in the garden of the Gundala Palace, where this diplomatic summit will take place.

Captain Toris, the field commander of the Maihark Garrison, was summoned by Kanata. "Are you sure that they'll arrive here through the sky?" he asked.

"I am sure, Mr. Prime Minister, they refused the horse-drawn carriages we had arranged for security reasons, and they prefer to travel here by air and ride something they call a helicopter,of course we escorted them with wyverns," Captain Toris explained.

Soon after, a booming sound echoed through the air, and three HA-10 walet could be seen attempting to land on the vast gundala palace. After the HA-10 Walet touched down, a group of people wearing strange green attire and carrying a black stick emerged. They immediately formed what appeared to be a defensive formation while pointing the black stick, and they seemed to be observing the area.After a moment, one of the men raised his right hand and yelled "clear," at which point three individuals exited the helicopters and immediately approached Prime Minister Kanata.

Kanata noticed that the black stick reminded him of the Palpaldia Empire's musket. "If it is a musket, then they are at least as powerful as a great power, therefore I have to be careful dealing with them," he reasoned as he approached the three men to greet them.

As he bowed his head, Kanata addressed the two men, "Gentlemen welcome to Qua Toyne principality, I am Kanata the current prime minister of Qua Toyne and alongside me is minister Rinsui he is the minister of foreign affairs of Qua Toyne."

Alif thought, "Quite an interesting constitutional monarchy in medieval times. at least this will lighten my job."

In response, the three diplomats bowed their heads and bodies as well. "Thank you for the warm welcome, Prime Minister Kanata and Minister Rinsui. On behalf of the Majapahit people, I thank you for welcoming us," added Alif.

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