Chapter 2 : First Contact

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5th of January 2023, now 08:38.

Majapahit Empire, Sunda Kelapa, Tanjung Priok, MIN 1st fleet HQ

On a beautiful sunny day, in a magnificent harbor with many large ships docking.In a special area in the port where there are many military vessels and military defense equipment which are all on high alert. There are also several people standing at the entrance of a building as if they are waiting for someone to come.

Not long after, multiple black sedans accompanied by a police convoy came to a building in front of which there were people waiting. After the entourage arrived in front of the building, a person in a black suit got out of the sedan. The Foreign affair Minister of Majapahit, Bonar Ekawira, Bonar then greeted the people who were waiting for him.

"Arya! My friend! Hasn't it been a long time since we last met? How are you, my friend?" said Bonar to Admiral Arya Basudewa, the commander of the MIN 1st fleet, who turned out to be an old friend of Bonar.

"I'm fine myself, you? Your wife is still angry?" said Arya to Bonar as they walked into the building.

"Yes, she's still very paranoid. Accusing me of cheating knowing I work overtime, never leave the office, and just sit on my ass completing documents all day" said Bonar. They chatted whilst walking inside the building. Not long after, they arrived at a meeting room with a projector screen where it displayed a new world map

"Morning gentlemen, in today's meeting we will discuss the safety of the diplomatic mission we are carrying out to the new continent. When undergoing our mission, we encountered some not so pleasant sightings. One of a dragon in the new lands and one of a giant octopus near our very own Karimun Islands, but thankfully MIS Pati was near there so the damage and casualties were minimal. We managed to capture some pictures of them showing their characteristics and appearance in very clear definition.But as far as that goes, we still have very very little knowledge on and about these creatures. As we continue to gain information on these creatures and figure out a way to deal with them, I alert every one of us to never let our guard down and be careful as anything can happen in this new world. I'll be sending a carrier battle group as an addition to expedite the mission, because just to make sure we don't get attacked by dozens of giant octopuses and dragons in the middle of our expedition" said Arya, who was explaining the current safety situation, whilst reading some documents from the foreign affair ministry.

"But isn't that excessive? Sending an entire carrier battle group?" said a captain from the navy.

"It isn't for no reason. From the intel we've gathered, we know that the country we'll meet looks like a medieval European country with fantasy elements, so yes the most effective way of diplomacy is with gunboat diplomacy, it will warn them not to mess with us. But who knows, looks can be deceiving." said a staff from the foreign ministry.

"And we will also join the Bangkok and Austrapahit navies to form a joint expeditionary fleet and carry out a joint diplomatic mission" said a captain. "Austrapahit will send a Destroyer Squadron containing 3 Kangaroo Class guided missile destroyers and 2 Boomerang Frigates while Bangkok will only send 1 vessel. Namely, BNS Thonburi from Dusit Class Frigates, so in total this combined expeditionary fleet will contain 18 vessel".

The meeting lasted 30 minutes, Bonar then closed out the meeting.

"Well this meeting didn't take long after all. All preparations are ready and we must move quickly, because riots and protests have started to spread to all corners of the country" said Bonar to everyone there.

"I agree, we must move fast in saving our dying country. So let's finish this up and quickly get to whatever our duties may be" said Arya to everyone, it's true what Arya and Bonar said. Majapahit is in bad condition, the economic collapse and the rising prices of some basic necessities caused riots in major cities around the country. The government managed to control the situation by implementing martial law. Freezing prices and subsidize some basic goods. But this situation will not last long, soon their supplies for food,material,electronics and other goods will be depleted. The need for food and natural resources makes the government dare to take steps to send an expeditionary fleet out to explore a new world.

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