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"Do you think I'm fucking stupid?!" He shouts kicking Nari's side as she's trying to get back up.

She tries pulling herself up again while protecting her stomach from another one of his kicks. She knows that's where he's aiming in order to end her pregnancy by any means necessary.

"You let that mother fucker get you pregnant?!" He shouts grabbing her hair. "And you have the nerve to want to keep the fucking thing?!"

She tries fighting back but the grip he has in her hair is too strong. The look in his eyes sends chills through her whole body. He figured it out and she's never seen him so angry. He throws her against the wall and immediately puts a tight hand on her neck.

"I will kill him and that fucking baby," he growls squeezing her neck tighter. "You fucking whore!"

She can't speak, but she's trying to fight as hard as she can. She's starting to see stars and desperately grasping at his arms to get him to let her go. She can't let this happen. She has to protect her child. She has to protect her Hobi.

She managed to muster enough force in her leg to kick him in his balls. He hunches over giving her a chance to slip from his hold. She runs to grab her phone which she had left there on the charger all day, then tries running out the door past Leo.

That proves to be difficult, despite his slight limp he's on his feet and blocking her way to the door. He pulls a knife from his pocket, one he's been carrying once his friends started getting arrested.

"You have a fucking death wish!" He yells charging towards her.

She tries dodging him to get to the door. Her keys sit on a shelf right next to it and if she can get to them she can get away. She tries getting around him, kicking him in his shin hoping that will take him down. He stumbles but still manages to make contact with her arm leaving a large cut across her bicep.

She can't be bothered to stop, through pain, fear, tears, and sheer adrenaline, she grabs a glass vase sitting next to her keys and launches it right at Leo's face with every bit of strength she can gather. The vase shatters in a sharp explosion across his forehead. Nari quickly grabs her keys and runs out to her car as Leo struggles to find his footing through the blood spilling down his face.

As soon as she's able to start the ignition in her car, Leo emerges from the apartment raging mad and covered in blood. The knife is still in his hand and he's charging towards her car yelling curses against her, Hoseok, and her baby. She quickly pressed the gas and peels off out of the parking lot. When she looks back in the mirror she can see him running towards his car. She speeds off with no set destination in mind.

The only place where she would feel safe is with Hoseok, but she can't go there now. Not with Leo chasing her and destined to kill them both. She would only be leading Leo to his prey and she refuses to let him hurt Hoseok. All she ever wanted was to protect the one person in this word that ever showed her true love and happiness. Now that she knows she created a life with this person she's determined to do anything to protect them both.

She makes many turns down various roads and a few alleys hoping she can keep Leo off of her trail. After a bit of driving erratically through the city she finds a dark driveway hidden in a neighborhood. She parks her car and turns off all of her lights trying to stay unnoticeable.

She finally takes a moment to look at the cut on her arm. What felt like a slight sting turned out to be a bit deeper than that. The amount of blood makes it hard for her to see how deep the cut is but she can tell she needs stitches. But she can't go to the hospital. He knows he cut her and would be expecting her to go to the hospital. He could stop her before she gets there or he could wait around until she gets out. For the time being she uses a sweater she keeps in the car as a tourniquet to help control the blood flow a bit. As she's tying her knot her phone begins buzzing with messages.

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