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Jin and Hoseok meet at the bar later that evening and, while the place is empty for a moment, they tell Nari the information from last night. They ask her if she has any idea about what Leo does. She previously stated that she didn't know much about his work, and still she claims that Leo only gets mad when she asks so she doesn't press him on it. She just knows that the bills get paid so things must be ok.

"Riri," Hoseok sighs. "You're way too smart to be this naive."

"Thanks, Hobi," she says rolling her eyes, mildly annoyed by his backhanded comment.

"What if someone undercover follows him when he goes to work to see where he goes?" Hoseok suggests ignoring Nari's annoyance.

"I'm sure Namjoon is working on something," Jin says sipping his beer.

The conversation ends when someone enters the bar and Nari goes off to serve them. Hoseok drowns his glass in one go out of frustration. His impatience is already a struggle for him to control, but he can't seem to get over how little Nari knows when she's been with the guy for so long.

The night carries on with all three of them looking out for the mysterious man in case he returns. It starts getting late and Jin leaves to check in for daddy duty and get Minnie ready for bed. Hoseok stays the entire night as usual until Nari locks the doors and begins cleaning up.

He's been waiting for this time. The time when the bar is closed and he can finally go behind the counter and wrap his arms around Nari tightly. He doesn't say a word, he has none, he simply holds her and pulls her in closely for a long needed kiss.

They get lost in each other kissing deeply and forgetting where they are until they hear a sound at the door. A tall shadowy figure is seen walking off and there's a piece of paper that's been slipped through the crack in the door.

Hoseok tells Nari not to move and he rushes to the door to catch whoever it was. By the time he opens the door and looks out, the person is nowhere to be found. He shuts the door and picks up the note to show Nari.

He'll be here tomorrow.
Hobi, he knows your name but not your face.
Be careful.

"What?" Hoseok asks. "Why is he going to be here?"

"I don't know," Nari says nervously. "Maybe you should stay home tomorrow? Although he doesn't know your face, he's still seen you around. He may put the pieces together and who knows what he'll do."

"Fuck that!" Hoseok snaps. "I'm going to be right here to make sure he doesn't try anything."

"Hobi please, I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Don't worry about me. I'm worried about you. I'm not going to let him scare me off."

"I know I know, but please, babe, we don't know what he could do. What if he brings some of his friends? You can't take them all on your own if they try to hurt you."

"I really don't care. I'm not going to let him or his minions keep trying to intimidate you or anyone else. I'm so sick of this shit!"

"Please," she begs. "Just tell Namjoon and maybe he can have someone on patrol stop by and keep an eye on things. I just don't want anything happening to you." She looks up at him with her big pleading eyes that always makes him weak.

"I'll tell Namjoon. I'll ask him to send someone to come here and stand watch. But I'm not staying home. I'm going to be right here. If he tries anything at all I'm taking you away from here, that's a promise."

Nari nods reluctantly. She doesn't want him here if Leo is here, but she knows Hoseok isn't about to argue with her. He's going to be here whether she likes it or not.

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