One Night Angel

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Hoseok is back at the bar Saturday night. There were no notes left by the mystery man so he feels a bit more at ease thinking nothing crazy will happen. It works for him, he's been dying for a typical uneventful day.

Nari is busy as usual with her bustling Saturday night crowd. Various groups of people celebrating birthdays and other milestones create a lively and loud atmosphere. Hoseok doesn't bother her on nights like this because he knows she likes to give groups like those most of her attention. She typically comes out in the end with very generous tips, so he leaves her to it.

In the meantime, he people watches or has a small chat with other solo bar patrons. He watches people come and go, some unable to go without stumbling on their own two feet on the way out the door. He generally finds it amusing.

However, one guy has clearly gone well beyond his limit. He came with a friend but told anyone who would listen how his friend left him behind to hook up with someone he met. It's a typical occurrence, but this poor guy is clearly too drunk to find his own way.

Nari's coworker, Sunni, offers to call a ride so the guy can get home. She gives him a glass of water and sends for a car to pick him up. It doesn't take long for a driver to arrive, but the guy is so far gone he can't stand on his own two feet.

Hoseok knows the bar is busy and the girls have their hands full, so he gets up to help the wasted guy get outside. He wraps one of the guys arms around his shoulders and manages to make it outside without major incident. Getting him into the back of the car was a bit more difficult, but he finally makes it in the seat and slumps over as soon as Hoseok is able to fasten the seatbelt around him.

"I hope he doesn't throw up in my car," the driver mumbles before getting behind the wheel.

Hoseok watches the car pull off and all he can do is chuckle. There's never a dull moment on Saturday nights. He gets ready to make his way back inside when he notices a shadowy figure out the corner of his eye. He looks over and sees a man standing about 15 feet away smoking a cigarette. He's wearing a long coat, sunglasses, and a hat clearly trying to keep his face hidden.

Suddenly Hoseok is unnerved by the sight of the guy. Something isn't sitting right with him, so he stays outside to see if the guy goes anywhere. He pretends to be looking at something on his phone while making sure he doesn't lose sight of this suspicious person.

The guy stands there a while only moving to take another puff of his cigarette. Hoseok isn't sure if this is the mystery note giving man, or someone Leo sent to spy on Nari. Either way he's not going anywhere until this guy is gone.

It's a long few minutes before the man puts out his cigarette and turns towards Hoseok. Goosebumps quickly trickle across his skin as he tries to determine whether to try talking to the guy or get ready to fight. The man begins walking in Hoseok's direction and only stops when he gets one step past him.

"He's getting scared," the man says in a low baritone voice with his back still facing Hoseok.

"What?" Hoseok asks confused.

"I know someone who can help."

"Help what? Who are you?"

"I can't tell you anything until you trust me."

"I don't even know who you are. How am I supposed to trust you?" Hoseok is trying not to raise his voice, but he's anxious and needs to know who this guy is.

"Ask your girlfriend what happened last night." The man's voice remains low and void of emotion.

"What? What happened last night? What do you mean??"

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