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Hoseok tries to talk to Nari everyday to make sure she's doing ok. It's nothing out of the norm since he's always at the bar talking to her anyway. But they typically don't text as often, because of course Leo checks her phone regularly. He also pays her bill so there's little she can do to hide things on there.

So now they have to speak in code. If he asks her how she's doing she says "great" if things are ok. She'll send a string of random emojis if she needs to talk to him in person. And if she says she's tired then it means they had another argument and she's feeling down or upset. The most important for him however, is if she she needs immediate help or Leo hurt her again, Hoseok made her promise that she would message him asking for a recipe. She doesn't cook so that's something that would be out of the ordinary enough for him to know there's a problem.

Hoseok offered to buy her a phone that she can use to talk to him and anyone else Leo may be isolating her from, but she declined, afraid he may find out. It's frustrating because Hoseok wishes he could just end this now and be done with it all, but he knows it's not that easy.

At the same time he and Taebin have also been talking daily. She always knows what to say to make him smile. Video chatting with her is the best because seeing her face makes him forget about everything else going on around him.

Friday he's excited to go to her place for dinner. Although she told him he doesn't have to bring anything, he still stops by the store and grabs a bouquet of roses as well as chocolate covered strawberries. They decided after dinner that they'd watch a movie so he also grabs a bottle of wine and a blanket to cap the night off with.

"Hoseokie these are beautiful!" She says grabbing the flowers and letting him in once he arrives. "And you brought wine?"

"And strawberries for my strawberry," he says bending down to kiss her flavored lips.

"You're the sweetest," she says guiding him to the kitchen.

"It smells amazing in here," he says taking a whiff of the food she's prepared. "What did you make?"

"Not much," she says bouncing to the counter to put the flowers down and grab a couple of plates that she's already filled with food. "Come taste."

He follows her to the dining table where she puts the plates down. She already has glasses out on the table so he takes it upon himself to pop open the bottle of wine and fill the cups. She's cooked a meal of baked chicken, sweet potatoes, and kimchi. It's smells good but tastes even better.

"Do you like it?" She asks in anticipation.

"It's amazing, babe," he says going for another bite.

It's a delicious meal that gives him a warm feeling inside. She didn't even have to go through the trouble of making all of this. He would have been happy with a frozen dinner as long as he's spending time with her.

"Did you talk to Nari today?" Taebin asks as they're finishing off their meal.

"A little. She said she's doing ok." Little by little he's been giving Taebin a full backstory, of course leaving out a few details, on he and Nari's relationship.

"That's good," Taebin nods. "Do you know how you're going to help her get away from her boyfriend?"

"I'm not sure. She turns down anything I suggest so I don't know what I could do."

"Well I know you said you don't want me worrying about it, but if it's worth anything, my brother is a lawyer and he can help."

"Really? I didn't know your brother was a lawyer."

"Yeah, I'm sure he wouldn't mind helping. He does a lot of pro bono work for people who need help getting out of unsafe situations."

"That would be great! Maybe I could convince her to talk to him."

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