..Chapter 23 : A Dark Finish..

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Chapter 23 Art Coming Soon! (Still gotta draw it sorry-)

"LET GO OF SCAR!!" Grian screams at the top of his lungs, sending a gust of wind that almost knocks the Watcher down.

Scar runs as during the gust of wind the Watcher had loosened it's grip just enough for him to get out.

Scar quickly runs behind Grian who spreds his wings, protecting Scar from any long-range attacks.

One flaw about Watchers is that if they want to teleport a living creature, they have to be touching it. If it's an object then this rule does not apply.

Grian looked powerful in his Watcher form, magestic even. So much so that Scar could feel it, he also couldn't help but to star up at Grian.

Grian was tall in his Watcher form, which was weird to the Hermit. He had always loved the fact Grian was so small that he could just pick him up and run away with him.. like he did on many occasions.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE!?" Grian asks the Watcher, seeing that +@vr+!$ was scared. Grian remembers all the times that he had helped Grian, but didn't know how to return the favor.

Well, this was the time.. and the last chance before +@vr+!$ would have died if it wasn't for him.

Grian barely touched his wing to the former watcher and teleports him beside Scar to protect him.

Just because Grian was a "Big Bad Watcher", especially in his Watcher form, doesn't mean he still doesn't care about his friends and the people who have helped him along the way.

"Well.. I WAS here to get +@vr+!$ back.. but now..? Two former Watchers are here? And they're protecting it? This will indeed be.. FUN!" As the Watcher says that last word he teleports to Grian with a knife and goes to stab his chest.

Grian dodges, but just like with Xisuma and his trident, it hits him in the arm.

Grian grabs the knife by the blade and tries to take it from the Watcher.. but to no avail. Instead the knife breaks, leaving the Watcher with a handle, and Grian with a blade and cut on his hand.

Xisuma grabs on of Grian's wings, healing his arm and hand quickly before backing away, spreading his own wings and forcing Scar and +@vr+!$ back to protect them.

"GRIAN!" The two try to run and help Grian, but Xisuma stops them.

"It's his fight now.. we shouldn't intervene.." Xisuma talks in a harsh tone, but they could see the sadness and worry in his eyes.

Grian quickly flipped the knife blade, stabbing the Watcher in his neck.

The Watcher let out a painful, horrid, ear piercing scream.

Grian steps back and looks around, thinking of what he could use as a weapon next in this empty room.

"SCAR! FIRE! LEVEL TEN!" Grian says, his eyes landing on Scar.

"I'M NOT GOOD AT LEVEL TEN!" Scar shouts back, worried.

The Watcher jumps at Grian, who falls to the floor.

The Watcher tries to claw at Grian's face and chest.

"SCAR NOW!" Grian screams

"OK! I'LL TRY!" Scar immediately starts trying to create a level ten fire as quickly as he can.

He was only a level nine though, which is more powerful than a lot of wizards, but ten is the highest level.. at least, that anyone knows of.

"Why doesn't it use it's powers..?" Scar asks, trying not to think too hard.

A common misconception about wizards is that they have to focus really hard on a spell to get it to work, when in reality, they only need half their attention on it. If they focus too much, they might overdo it and cause something else to happen.

"He's either new and the highers sent him to do his dirty work.. or.. he's been exiled and is trying to get +@vr+!$ to bring him back and become a Watcher again.." Xisuma says, watching the fight in front of them.

Grian manages to kick the Watcher off of him, just as Scar finishes making the fire, which was actually a little easier than he thought it would be.

"GRIAN" Scar shouts, throwing the new fire towards Grian, who manages to catch it and quickly runs, shoving his hand full of fire into the Watchers face, burning the mask it wore.

The Watcher screams again, louder this time, as the mask melts off and it slowly turns to ash..

Grian falls to his hands and knees, shrinking back down the the form he liked much more.

"Grian..?" Xisuma steps forward and says in worry.

They could see blood drip from his chest.


-780 Words-

JEEZE this is a long chapter! The longest yet! Again, thanks for the support, and apologies for taking so long to get another crappy chapter out to you guys! Hope ya enjoyed!

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