🌘 Ep.18: Land Before Swine 🌘

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~~~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~~~

I had been awake since five in the morning that day. It's not that I wasn't tired, but my body refused to go back to sleep, it was too jittery and hyper to do so, probably from all that's happened these past few days.

Instead, I sat on my bed, lights still off and blinds closed as the tiny bit of sunlight beamed from underneath, holding a piece of paper in my hands.

A newspaper, one from two years ago. One I had kept out of ... well, of- ... truth be told, I'm not sure why I keep it.. But it feels wrong to throw it out..

It was from an accident that happened two summers ago, no one's too sure of what happened, but rumors say a peculiar beast was set loose in town that day..

You can probably see where I'm going with this..

I felt sick to my stomach every time I read about it, but I could never look away, never put it away, even when I got to the sections that talked about one of the people that were part of it, and how they were-

knock knock

Covering my mouth to stop the gasp from escaping me, I waited a few seconds to calm my nerves as Mason's voice spoke from the other side, "(y/n), you awake?"

Letting out a heavy sigh, I hid the newspaper back in one of the shelves, walking over and opening the door, "Hey.."

His expression went from excitement to worry in just a second, "Whoa, you okay..?! You look super tired.."

"Ah, yeah.." I sleepily rubbed one of my eyes, "I didn't get much sleep, but I'll be fine.. Anyway, what's up..?"

"W-well," he fiddled with his fingers, "I was thinking you, Soos, and I could go into the forest for a small mister hunt..! Not only are you my mystery buddy, but you're also the camera genius, so I.. y-you know.."

I chuckled a bit, "Sure, I'll meet you outside the gift shop in a sec.."


So as the sun rose, the three of us headed deep into the forest, setting up a few cameras around as Mason smiled at us, "Today's the day, guys! Thanks for coming along on this mission!"

"Dude, it's an honor! Today I'm sweating from heat and excitement!" Soos wiped off the sweat from his forehead.

"Something's hiding in these woods, something big enough to rip the roof off a car! If we get a photo of this thing we'll be heroes!!"

A wave of worry washed over me, "Wait.. what exactly are we looking for..?"

"Last night there were sights of a flying creature that attacked some policemen, and we're here to take a picture of it!"

Oh, last night, alright, that couldn't have been me then..

I proceeded to place a camera on a branch as Soos continued the conversation, "Yeah, and we'll get all the babes!! You'll be fending off smooches with a stick!!

Mason laughed, "Yeah right!"

"With a stick, dude!"

"(y/n), is that camera set?"

"All done here," I replied as I hopped back down, "That should be the last one."

"Great! If everything goes according to plan the creature will grab that steak, cross through the string, and set of cameras A, B, and C!"

🌓 Inhuman (Gravity Falls Dipper x Reader) 🌗Where stories live. Discover now