🌕 Ep. 12: Summerween 🌕

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Okay two things-

1) I posted a new book! It's a book about a couple that my partner and I share, how they meet and fall in love, but with both having traumatic pasts, things get a little dicey.

It's called Crystal Shards and Broken Tears

It's also a boy x boy, so if you're not into that, then.. oof. But if you wanna give it a read, it'd really appreciate it ^^

2) @KumanekoFuji has a Dipper x Reader book called Daylilies and Pinecones, and I'm really enjoying it so far! :0

Okay back to gay-

~~~~~~~~~Dipper's POV~~~~~~~~~

"Here we are!" Stan explained with a smile as we all left the car, facing a Halloween themed store, "The Summerween Superstore!"

I raised an eyebrow, "Wait, the summer what?"

He pulled out a calendar, "Summerween! The people of this town love Halloween so much they celebrate it twice a year, and wouldn't you know it, it's today!

"Do you always carry that calendar in your pocket?"

"... yes."

"Summerween?" Mabel tilted her head, "Something about this feels unnatural.."

Soos placed a hand on our shoulders, "There's free candy~"

So we raided the store! How could we say No to free candy? I mean, c'mon! That being said, we weren't exactly the most thoughtful customers, causing a ruckus and breaking a few things on accident.

Eventually the lady at the cash register had enough, calling security to escort us out, only for Stan to throw a smoke bomb at her face as we all ran out and got in the car.

I could tell this would be a fun day.

Back at the shack, Mabel and I were on the floor planning our costumes for later, with Mabel yelling, "I am so excited!!"

I smiled, "We're gonna have the best costumes, get the most candy,"

"And have the biggest stomach aches ever!!"


We high fived, with Soos sitting on the couch as he watched, "Wow, I've never seen you two so pumped!"

I passed over our photo album to Mabel as she began to explain, "Well, back at home, me and Dipper were kind of the kings of trick-or-treating. Twins in costumes, the people eat it up!"

"Well, you dudes better be careful out there. It's a night of ghouls and goblins, not to mention..." Soos turned off the lights, pointing a flashlight to his face, "The Summerween Trickster..!"

Mabel raised an eyebrow, "The Summer-what what what?"

"The Trickster goes door to door, so the legend goes, eating children who lack the Summerween spirit!"

"Well, you don't have to worry about us," I replied as I ate a piece of candy, "We've got spirit to go around."

But when I chewed it, I could only gag from how gross it tasted, barely ever to swallow as I coughed in reaction, "What is this stuff?! I've never even heard of these brands!" I began picking out candies from the bowl, "Sand Pop? Gummy chairs? Mr. Adequate-Bar?"

🌓 Inhuman (Gravity Falls Dipper x Reader) 🌗Where stories live. Discover now