🌓 Ep.15: The Deep End 🌓

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~~~~~~~~~Dipper's POV~~~~~~~~~

"Watch out, Gravity Falls, because at 110 degrees we're looking at the hottest day of the summer!!" Toby Determined's voice was heard from the tv, all of us laying around the living room suffering from the heat.

"All in favor of doing nothing all day say 'Ugh..'"

"Ugh..!!" everyone else groaned after me.

Waddles walked over to Stan, who glares at him, "I'm gonna throw this pig out of the house!" The pig instead just licked his cheek, and Stan relaxed back down, "You called my bluff, pig."

(y/n) raised a hand, his fingers close together in a sign of 'small amount', "I am this close to getting naked right now.."

"Ooh, I'm sure Dipper would l-" I quickly covered Mabel's mouth, my fave growing red.

Though I can't lie, that would be a very nice view....

"On the bright side, pun very much intended, it's opening week at the Gravity Falls pool!!"

Mabel sat up, a smile on her face, "Gravity Falls pool?!"

"Today?!" I added.

"Pun intended?!" Soos continued.

"Quick, to the car!!" Stan yelled before attempting to stand up, but due to his heavy amount of sweat, he was now stuck to the ground, "Hey kids, a little help here."

So Mabel and I got some spatulas and got to work, getting him out of the floor. Well, more like helping him stand while breaking the floor as he stood, because the wood was still stuck to his back as he left the shack, "Alright, off to the pool!"

Toby's voice was heard from the tv, "And remember to be on alert for random wildfires!"

"Wait, wha-? AHHH!!!"

We all stared for a few seconds before (y/n) broke the ice, "I'm sure he's fine."

"Ah, the pool!" Mabel began as we entered the area, "Sparkling oasis of summer enchantment!"

Stan wasn't too pleased though, "Yeah, nothing like sitting in a moist tub with strangers. It's like the bus but wet."

I looked around, my eyes soon landing on Soos's towel, "Why would a sun need to wear sunglasses?"

"It's best not to think about it," he replied.

I felt a light shove on my shoulder, making me turn to (y/n), "C'mon, don't let your nerd side ruin our fun."

My cheeks grew red, "I'm not a nerd, I-!"

"Woah woah woah!!! Stop the presses!!" Mabel yelled, pointing over at a guy in the pool with long brown hair, her eyes lovestruck, "Who's that..?!"

Soos had already started eating his chips, "Oh yeah, word says dude never leaves the pool! People say he's a mysterious loner."

Mabel stared at the guy for a while, then fanned her face with her hands, "Is it getting hot in here or is it just that guy..?!"

"It's the hottest day of the year, Mabel," I replied, "Besides, can't you go for one week without having a new crush on some random guy?"

"Uh-uh!" She gasped, "Look at his little mustache hairs!"

"Gotta give the girl credit, she heals from heartbreak fast," (y/n) commented, head tilted in wonder.

🌓 Inhuman (Gravity Falls Dipper x Reader) 🌗Where stories live. Discover now