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readers pronouns: NOT MENTIONED


warnings: NONE


snowball fights are 100% happening with you and the Hamato's, whether do you started it or not. you six would go to the park and find a good spot with your winter gear on and boom, it has begun.

Leo, Mikey, and Raph would be on one team whilst Y/N, April, and Donnie would be on the opposite and no mercy will be given...unless mandatory of course.

Donnie would be his genius self and use his robotic arms from his battle shell as an advantage for him and his team and throw multiple balls of snow to his brothers while they try their hardest to run and dodge. 

April and you will have Mayhem on your side as well and have him teleport large piles of snow on top of the opposite team . 

Leo was the first to experience that bizarre moment. as his head pops out from the pile he would wrap his arms over each as he shivers, saying that using Mayhem was cheating because the teams wouldn't be fair.

Mikey being small, he's fast. meaning he can throw as many snowballs as he can as long as he's diligent and aware of his surroundings.

you and Mikey would be the ones to go toe-to-toe with each other and sometimes you two would tackle each other playfully and try to stuff snow down each others jackets/vest's. 

Raph and April would do what you and Mikey will be doing simultaneously with you two, only Raph would be more gentle whilst throwing the snow because of his strength in his arms and body strength. 

Leo whenever got hit by the smallest of snow he would shriek and instantly complain about the coldness and get dramatic from the hit, throwing snow back at said 'attacker' aka Donatello.

 somewhere after an hour both of your teams would call a truce even though you were stubborn, no one was going to admit your actual defeat.

a cup of nice, warm hot chocolate, and a small circle you all will be at the end of the battle with some laughs and jokes from you all.



April wanted to do some sort of Secret Santa thing and thats what you all did. when all the names were drawn out of a small winter hat April owned you smiled when you read the name of Raph ! 

you all had a week to figure out what to get and with you being 'ahem-' lazy- and the stores almost all out of their supplies because of Christmas right around the corner, you tried to find some things in your room you can find to make something home-made for the brother who is the biggest <3.

you were able to find a fluffy, red scarf in your closet and some sewing utensils and decided to sew Raph a new scarf.

the scarf came out beautiful. with a sewing machine your parents had, you were able to add some golden stars, candycanes, and a small Jupiter Jim symbol. the one from his favorite movie of him. of course it wasn't accurate but you thought it looked amazing. 

Christmas day came and you were the first to give Raph his present. seeing his large grin decorate his face and all the other smiles everyone gave, yes even Donnie from time to time, was the only present you can ever want. 

Leo was your Secret Santa and he handed you a small box. with a puzzled look on your face, Leo smiled as you opened the box to see a locket. what made it funny was it was a turtle-shaped locket and with some of Mikey's paint he added his signature red sliders by its' face to give it more of a 'Leo' look. 

Leo is 100% the type of person to take a present and shake it, causing him to be the last to open the presents. 

Donnie and Raph would be the type to be grateful for what they got and whatnot what they don't have, while April and Mikey are somewhat like Leo, but don't complain. 



April and you were the ones who got the tree because the brothers weren't risking the opportunity on getting caught.

 it was a bit difficult but the two of you were able to get the tree through the tunnels of the sewers of NYC without having anyone questioning you. (lmao)

Mikey and Donnie were in charge of getting the decorations for the tree by getting small metal balls made by the one and only Donatello in his lab and Mikey used his paints to paint the ball Christmas colors.

 of course, everyone including Splinter was able to decorate their own ornament and hang it on the tree.

once fully decorate, the team did 'rock-paper-scissors' to figure out who will put the star on the tree. they do this every year, none of you were surprised by this at all. 

this year, Y/N won and sat atop Raph's shoulders whilst putting the star at the top of the tree. their star was in Lou-Jitsu's colors and Splinter tried so hard to hide tears. 



Mikey and Leo would be the first ones up. they would plan to wake Raph up first because he's normally a deep sleeper. 

Leo's plan was for Mikey to jump on top of him and wake him up and while he gets a scolding from his older brother Leo is sneaking out slowly.

Donnie would wake up on his own with a coffee in hand, he needs his caffeine or he's not doing anything today. 

Splinter...sleeps in and doesn't wake unless he wants too, which normally leads to Raph having to wake him up and he hates waking people up when they're in a peaceful slumber. 

Mikey and Donnie would make some breakfast. it was just some eggs and toast with some butter, nothing huge. 

if you are a morning person you and April would walk in with all the presents you made for each other, even if you did to Secret Santa or not, there was one for everyone.

if you aren't a morning person, you and O'Neil would be late and the presents would be carried in a small red cart and you would be trying so hard not to fall back asleep, (me fr)

Mikey would want to open the presents first, but Donnie would hold him back and tell him to finish the breakfast before they do anything. 

around the end, Raph and Donnie would clean all the wrapping paper while the others check out the cool new presents they were given.

sometime during the day they would go to the park and have that snowball fight, build snowmen, make snow angels and just have an awesome time with each other. 



Raph doesn't believe in Santa but said nothing for Leo and Mikey because if he does.... 😗

Donnie doesn't believe in Santa...he does tell Leo and Mikey but also doesn't want to tell them because that just leads to tears from Mikey and whiney cries from Leo. 

Mikey believes in Santa..ever since Splinter told him about it and writes a list to him to this day. He and Leo also leave a plate of cookies and a glass of milk for Santa...and Splinter just eats them before they all head to sleep, LOL

Leo is the same. He believes in old Saint Nick but when Donnie told him he doesn't exist he tried too hard to prove his twin wrong...but he doesn't know how because he will just twist his words.

April doesn't believe in Santa, but like Raph she says nothing because she doesn't want to hurt her friends feelings

And Y/N....you believe what you want to believe.

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