" are you cosplaying me ? " | all 💖

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" when you walk into the lair with the turtle's colours "

❥ reader's pronouns: not mentioned

❥ type: FLUFF , headcanons :: 

❥ warnings: none i can think of  ::  this was written my phone , so some typos may be seen :: 


:: L e o n a r d o

your friends knew the crush you had on Leonardo Hamato was no joke. you loved this turtle with you all of your heart , i mean how could you not. he was funny , handsome and over all a m a z i n g boyfriend material.

two nights ago , you have lost a bet to your so called friend and they dared you to walk into the turtle's lair wearing all blue. with a blush to your face you told them you had nothing in blue which only made them buy you some :) 

so now having no other option than to get this over with , you walked into the lair one morning with Leo's signature colour on. at first he didn't really notice until his brother , Mikey , brought it up causing thr turtle in blue to blush a deep red and run to find you.

when you told him why you were wearing his colours , his face went red but he covered his flustered look with a snarky smirk.

" are you cosplaying me ? im honored , truly. " he teased you like a lot ;-; 

and he would also compliment how good you look in his colour , he'll tell you to wear it more often.

to which you do and he's sobbing / pos

:: D o n a t e l l o

he already knew you look good in everything you wear , but damn can you rock the colour purple. of course he's the type of guy to point things out like no one's ever heard it before , like it was an unknown fact and the entire day went by with him glancing at you when he saw you walk past.

of course you noticed. he may be bad at hiding most of his feelings but his body language takes that all away. he soon brought up when he got a bit comfortable , and you told him you were dared to wear his colours.

he felt his heart squeeze when you told him. so you did this out of your own well-being ? of course he told you you don't have to partake in this dare , but with a small blush you told him you wanted to do it.

now he was more confused. but when you soon told him you liked the colour purple a small blush formed to his cheeks as he shuffles away from you.

 he may look annoyed when he sees someone else with his colour , he likes seeing it on you.

you look good <\\3

:: R a p h a e l

it made him smile. he knew you had a crush on him because your friends aren't the best at keeping secrets. when he saw you with his colour he at first thought you were just...well wearing it. that is until April spoke up , causing Raph to fall in love with you all over again. 

he found it so cute he mentioned it to you , making you blush hard.

" you look awesome in red , Y/N ! suits you ! "

he wasn't realizing he was flustering you until you started to ramble and stur on your words as you tried to thank him offly quickly.

he found you adorable and couldn't help but hug you whenever you passed by him. 

he's not like Leo and tease you , he would encourage you to try on different outfit styles as well.

 now your not too flustered to wear all red around him <\\3

:: M i c h e l a n g e l o

could you be anymore cute ?

like you looked awesome in his colour ! he especially loved the orange bandana you had over your head to match his mask ! 

he would be hugging you as he compliments your looks and tells you what gave you the idea. this is the part where you couldn't help but blush when you told him this was a dare. 

" are you telling me you didn't want to wear this ? "

quickly you told him you had no trouble with it because it made him happy , but he wanted you to be happy not him! but , you still wore it and he was secretly loving every bit of it ! 

you looked awesome and he was gonna make sure you knew it ! 

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