Personal Headcanons

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Most of these headcanons are from my TikTok account, and I will make more of these when I have the time. Please enjoy!


-He has gotten heart surgery when he was 12 due to health problems.

-Has broken his arm in three different places.

-Likes baggy hoodies.

-He shares a dorm room with Todo.

-He's curvey around his waist and hips, but he also has hip-dips.


-Has shoulder length hair when it's not in a pony tail.

-Has undiagnosed ADHD and Epilepsy.

-NOT a morning person.

-Also a heavy coffee drinker.

-Likes physical affection. Hugs, kisses, ect.


-Hated getting shots as a kid.

-Knows how to use Nun-chucks.

-They have a scar from when she got surgery on their collar bone.

-Has experienced Gender and Body Dysphoria since she's Genderfluid.

-She and Megumi are freckle buddies.


-The man has broken humor, he'll laugh at anything.

-The type of friend that goes shopping for stuff he doesn't need.

-He and Todo have some sort of beef with each other.

-Has so many insecurities, he lost count.

-Mans is the type to like anything that's sharp.


-She thought she was gonna die when she had her first period.

-Hates spicy food.

-She has a rose tattoo on her left shoulder.

-She's gotten gum stick in her back in middle school. She rocked the pixie cut though.

-A night owl.

Another part of the headcanon book is finished. Should I make the new stories now or later? I'll see yas around!

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