Hugging Itadori pt.2

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This is the second part of Hugging Itadori. Please enjoy!


-He will lift Itadori in the air, put his arms under his ass to keep him up. Itadori has to wrap his arms around Gojo's neck to keep himself from falling backward.

-Gojo will hug Itadori after being gone for so long. Those month long missions were jerks.

-Itadori is always surprised when Gojo hugs him. He doesn't think this is something his teacher would do.

-Will sometimes try to sneak his hands to Itadori's ass, but Nanami is there to stop him.

-Just overall the best hugger.


-Will surprise Yuji with hugs from behind. Only happens when Itadori is distracted.

-Hands are at the waist when they hug.

-Geto will have his arms wide open for Itadori wants to hug him. He manages to keep his balance.

-Being the gentleman that Geto is, he kisses Itadori's hand.

-Also kind of touch starved.


-She and Itadori both have the dynamic of not seeing each other in forever.

-Her hugs are tight and energetic. Also loving.

-Likes doing group hugs with Itadori and her girlfriend, Maki.

-Will sometimes hd Itadori's hand when she's sad/upset.

-Just likes Itadori's hugs.


-Her and Itadori have that younger brother and older sister dynamic. They both have full trust in one another.

-Likes side hugs. Not really a huge fan of affection.

-High fives and hugs are an acception.

-When Yuji is distracted, will hug him from behind, arms around the shoulders.

-She doesn't do hugs, but receiving them Itadori and Nobara are an acception.


-In his full form, the hugs he will give Itadori are gentle, and loving.

-Extremely touch starved, and emotionally attached to Itadori.

-Despite his massive hands, he lets Itadori hug his fingers.

-Sukuna once said, "Such a small thing. Looking all pretty for me." Itadori was thinking about it the rest of the day.

-Likes Itadori's honey yellow eyes.

Another one finished. Gotta say, these are coming out pretty good! I'll see ya around!

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