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That afternoon, Mary heads downstairs, finally feeling well enough to engage with social interaction. She hears laughter come from the living room and just before she goes in that direction, she's led to the other upon hearing Henry and Catherine speak. She spots the couple through the crack of the door.

"...What does he think he's playing at? She may be Marie de Guise's daughter but we needed that link in the Italian oil business," Henry mutters, pacing the room.

"Do you know how embarrassing it was?" His wife asks. "Personally apologising to the D'Amencourts after finding out yesterday he completely disrespected everyone? For love, my arse!"

Henry sighs heavily. "He has had years to reject this. Why now? For a smart kid, he sure makes idiotic moves when it comes to women."

"Like father, like son," Catherine says darkly. "You need to talk to him. Turn him away from your foolish ways. I am not having our son ruin everything we've built."

"What can I say?" Henry snaps. "Oh, Dieu... Do you think her mother has heard of this?"

"If she has, she would be calling us," Catherine says.

Henry tuts. "Marie's been wanting to return to French business for years. She could have that win if her daughter marries into our family."

"Is that... such a bad idea?" Catherine asks, suddenly intrigued. "Mary marrying Francis?"


"From what Jean-Philippe says, she's wonderful towards him and we all know Olivia's reservations for the boy," Catherine tells her husband, walking up and down the carpeted floor. "High praises and all."

Henry glares at his wife now. "I don't care what our grandson thinks about his father's latest arm candy. We decided on Olivia. There is nothing going for us in Scotland, only Italy. If only your family got to the oil first, we wouldn't be in this position." He sighs. "Years of courting and schmoozing those snakes for nothing. What if this gets out? We could be blacklisted-"

"But if Francis's relationship with Mary comes out, we could look favourable," Catherine says, looking up from her phone to show her husband the screen. "The Stuarts are heavily involved in charity and philanthropy these days. James Jr personally went to Rwanda to build homes and a school for the children. Yet the Valois name is linked with the slave trade - how disgusting for you."

"And you because you married me," Henry reminds her. "That is the past, we are ashamed of it and are doing everything to distance ourselves from that." He grabs her phone and continues to scroll through it. "But Olivia's family have links in America."

Catherine sighs, rolling her eyes. "I'm sure the Stuarts can branch out. As we know, Marie is begging to come back to do business in France. Ever since her husband died, their company has been barely prospering. But with the good publicity, they're actually more beneficial to us than Olivia and her family."

"Let's see how this relationship goes first. I wouldn't want to decide something so important on a few pictures and a website," Henry tells his wife, heading to the door as Mary backs away to head to the living room.

"Before you go," his wife starts. "I hope you won't fawn all over her. I may be quiet and watch but don't ever do that to publically embarrass me again."

"Catherine, it's not my fault you and I aren't as we used to be," he snaps, reaching for the handle as Mary hurries to the living room, quickly settling herself on Francis who's lounging on the sofa with Jean on a beanbag by them.

"Francis," Catherine says sweetly, entering the room. "A moment, please? Family meeting."

Francis turns to Mary, rubbing her thigh before he stands. "I'll be right back," he promises Mary and Jean before disappearing into the kitchen where they can hear raised voices straight after.

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