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Mary shakes her hips as she takes out her outfit for the day. She's got an hour and a half until Kenna gets here and she has a day booked full of fun stuff. She jumps when a knock on her door sounds and she turns, lowering the volume of her phone to answer it.

"Was the music too loud?" She asks Francis, blushing furiously when he now wears a cocky smile. But then she realises she's standing in her lace nightie. "Uh..." She leaves the door open, going to grab her robe and put it on. "Sorry about that."

"It's fine," he says, chuckling as his ears stain pink too. "Yeah, the music was sort of loud. Not too loud but I could hear it from the stairs..."

Mary tuts. "Sorry," she says.

"Don't be. You have great taste in music," Francis tells her, going over to pick her phone up and scroll through her music. "Beyonce?"

"Don't start," Mary mumbles, rolling her eyes. "My best friend's obsessed with her. We've gone to five concerts of hers."

"Huh," Francis says with a smile. "Imagine Dragons? Post Malone? Jesus, Mary, a woman after my own heart!"

Mary bites her lip now, going to get her shirt and leggings from her drawer. She looks down and realises that they're black. If she wears black, Kenna will worry even though black is simple to choose for an everyday outfit. But she is not just anyone, is she?

"My best friend and I went all over the world for Imagine Dragons tours as well," Mary says, picking out a white tee instead. "I love Post Malone too."

"That's cool," Francis replies, placing her phone down. "So, I've got Sam to pick up your friend from the airport. He will be driving you around for the weekend."

Mary beams, turning to face him. "Thanks," she tells him. "I haven't seen her in eight months. We might bring back a whole shop's worth of stuff, be warned."

"She can stay over," Francis adds on, heading to the door to let her get dressed. "And try the yellow shirt with baby blue jeans. You'll turn heads."

He leaves, leaving her shocked as she turns to her open wardrobe and spots the yellow sheer long-sleeved shirt hanging from the hanger. She wonders how he even knew she has baby blue jeans unless he's snooped around her room. But he wouldn't invade her privacy like that, would he?

Her hand grabs the shirt as she dumps the tee and leggings into her drawer.


"Kenna...!" Mary's eyes widen when she sees another pair of eyes behind her best friend. Green eyes. "And Bash! Welcome!"

She steps aside, letting them inside as she helps Sam bring their suitcases in.

"We're staying for two weeks," Kenna explains when she sees Mary's confused eyes. "Hope you don't mind? We can totally crash at the house."

Mary blinks and shakes her head. "My boss doesn't mind," she says. "He's already had a room aired out. I'm guessing you'll share."

"Yeah," Bash says, giving her a hug. "How are you?"

"How are you?" Mary retorts, receiving a wry chuckle. "I've missed you both. And don't think I'm being rude when I ask, but why are you here Bash? I thought you two needed space from each other?"

Kenna turns to him before turning to Mary. "Turns out, we needed space from France," she says. "It was getting too-"

"Claustrophobic," Bash finishes. "And we thought being in a different environment will reduce all the problems we have."

"Don't ask," Kenna mutters lightly. "So-"

"Mary! Venez voir mon nouveau lapin," (1) Jean calls out, heading down the stairs with a fluffy rabbit in his arms. "C'est Alonso!" (2)

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