Chapter 9

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I wish to end my life. I really do. Nothing is going the way its supposed to. I've failed in all areas of my life.

I wouldn't want to admit it but the little light at the end of the tunnel I so dearly held onto was slowly fading. It was getting dimmer by the day. The hope I had to better myself and my life, with my husband - its dying.

I'll rather much sleep my pain away. I always do anyway.

I swallowed past the lump in my throat. I was once fermished, but now I'm not. In fact, I don't want to eat anymore. But I had to push the delicious creamy pesto pasta down because I'm not convinced that this will be the last time I had to beg for food.

I couldn't get my mind to stop the nasty thoughts it was busy conjuring. What amplified my anxiety more was the fact that Ben sat across from me. His alluring gaze was stuck on me. The bloody prick was undressing me with his eyes.

I snuck a glance at his glass of whisky. He's been strategically drinking it. After I've had three spoons, he'll take a sip. It wasn't until I had only enough for one spoon of food that I started picking at it. I was trying to buy myself some time.

I had only managed to play with my food for about two minutes before I heard his voice for the first time since we sat down.

"I've honored my end of the deal." He downed the last of the whisky and harshly slapped the glass on the table, hard enough to make me jump. "Now its your turn." He arched his brow, daring me to defy him in any way.

I swallowed hard. The contents of my dinner threatening to come back up. I was too anxious and scared to get up. He stood, his movement too rough that the chair nearly fell over.

I couldn't get myself to get up, I was frozen in place.

I heard his shoes click on the stairs. His footsteps seem to have stopped on the first step. "Don't make me come and get you." That was all it took for my legs to wake the fuck up.

*Benjamin's Pov*

I could see the defiance sparkling in her eyes. My little defiant wife. It took everything in me not to rip her lame excuse for coverage she had on and it took just as much not to throw her over my shoulder and spank the attitude out of her.

She kept a good distance between us, as if that'll keep me from fucking her tonight. How I've longed to be in her warm cunt. My cunt.

I stopped once I was infront of our bedroom. I let her walk past me- basically, shoved her through the door. She was shaking. Her attitude gone and was rather replaced by fear. I fucking loved it. Loved that she was scared of me. My own little scared deer.

As soon the lock clicks in place I take a deep breathe to calm down. I was too high on arousal. I needed her scared not cowering away from me.

I turned to look at her and the sight of her made me ground my teeth, hard. Her big doe eyes were wide as saucers and she had her arms crossed over her torso, to shield herself, from me. How fucking adorable.

Oh, how I'm going to ravish her.


*Dandelion's pov*

He stood a few feet from me but I could feel the heat of his body as if we were in close proximity. The man had a sinister look on his face, as if fighting the urge to hurt me.

I was scared shitless. I tried to stop myself from shaking, but my mind kept coming up with fucked up scenarios that just didn't sit well with me.

The anticipation was killing me. He just stood there, as if searching for something on my face.

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