Chapter 5

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Holy hell.

I was attracted to this handsome stranger.

Our gaze was fixated on each other.

Mrs. Jones cleared her throat, making us break eye contact.

"Chance, oh no you didn't. I was just busy telling Dandelion over here the time I visited Bali." She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes.


His name is Chance.

Sadly, by look on his face he wasn't convinced.

"I just came to get the beer from the fridge." He walked the short distance to the refrigerator in the process, brushing past my shoulder.

Electricity shot through me, making me shiver. I placed my hand on the kitchen counter, needing support.

I closed my eyes for an instant and by the time I opened them, mrs. Jones was walking out of the kitchen.

I was too stunned by my reaction that I didn't see him standing infront of me.

"Thinking of a trip to Bali?" He jokingly asked chuckling.

Even his laugh was sexy. How can someone's laugh even be sexy?

"Not exactly." I said, fighting the urge to lick my lips.

I'll look too thirsty.

"I didn't get to introduce myself. My name's Chance, I was your husband's personal gym trainer." He stuck his hand out.

I stared at his outstretched hand, too scared to take it. To feel it.

"Its a pleasure to meet you Chance. I go by Dandelion." I spoke in respectful tone. Wouldn't want to scare of our guest with my sultry tone.

My guest.

I tried to remove my hand from his hold, but he held it in place. His eyes were not focused at my face.

He was staring at my boobs.

I instantly jerked my hand out of his. I've always felt self conscious when it came to my big chest.

I awkwardly cleared my throat, needing to get his attention away from my chest.

"After you, Dandelion." He smirked.

I nearly rolled my eyes at him.

I took out a beer from the cooler box and made my way to my worst nightmare.

The pool area is massive. That enabled me to sit far away from everyone and not get in their way. That's what they all wanted anyway. To get rid of me.

Everyone seemed to be enjoying the gathering.

Mrs. Jones was busy playing with her grandkids in the pool. They were being so loud. Splashing water everywhere and shouting on top of their lungs. Benjamin was at the barbecue with Chance. I was too far to make out what they were busy preparing, but judging from the smell it looks like burgers.

Then there's Alexis who was tirelessly overworking her body to get Benjamin's attention. Sadly enough, we were both unwanted today.

I smiled. Atleast I was spared from watching them together all night.

I was plucking petals from a sunflower when a shivering Jonathan, Bens youngest son walked up to me.

"My mom says you're a bad person." Of course Alexis will speak badly about me to her 5 year old child.

I placed the flower on the sun lounger I layed on. The sun was slowly setting and I was grateful for going back in to change.

"And why do you think she said that?" I asked.

He shrugged in response.

I could feel a pair of eyes on me, but I chose not to look up to identify who's it belonged to.

"I'm not a bad person Jonathan."

Your mom just told you that because she's a bitch and she hates me.

"No, you're a bad person. You stole daddy from mom." He screamed.

I tensed, shook by his sudden outburst.

"Hey, don't say that." I said, but it was no use. He had run of crying to Ben. An angry looking Ben. His expression was cold.


Alexis was already making her way towards me, I remained planted on the chair. Too stunned to move.

"You fucking bitch, what did you do to my son?" She made an attempt to slap me, but I was fast to react.

I held her wrist just as she was about to make contact with my cheek.

She grabbed my hair and I screamed in agony. I stepped on her foot, resulting in her taking a step back.

"Quit telling your son lies Alexis." I said, breathing hard.

Anger flashed into her eyes and without warning she lunged at me again. I shoved her harshly in her chest causing her to lose balance and fall flat on the hard wooden floor.

I saw Benjamin walking to me in my peripheral view. My body tensed in response.

My mouth was running before I mind could decipher what was happening. "I didn't mean to. She was charging after me." He wasn't having it. He never was.

He grabbed my wrist and twisted it, I yelped in pain.

Alexis who was helped up by mrs. Jones was crying. Mrs. Jones was giving me a disapproving look.

Dramatic ass fucker.

"I told you to stay away from my children Dandelion. You just don't listen do you." He screamed at me. Despite the discomfort and pain, I didn't let my tears fall. I wasn't going to give the damn witch the satisfaction.

"Hey man, you're hurting her." Chance, who appeared from the back said. He was staring at me, but I was too ashamed to look back at him.

"Stay out of this Chance." He growled.

"Benjamin, I told you from time to time. She's no good. If you don't file for divorce before the end of this year. I swear on your fathers fucked up toes you'll never see me again. I refuse to see my son with a fucking whore." She stated.

My eyes grew wide.

There are 6 months left before the end of this year.

No fucking way.

Not edited

My apologies for the short chapter.
Early update for chapter 6 will be posted on Patreon.

Thank you for 800 reads💕

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