Episode 34 - Dog Biscuits

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Today we're back with the District 11 duo, Thresh and Rue!

Crowd: *cheering*

Random girl: RUE IS SO ADORABLE!

Rue: Uh...thanks...?

Thresh: *rolls eyes*

Me: Let's begin! First question! Do you two have a good relationship?

Rue: Definitely.

Thresh: Before the Games, our families were always really close, so she's like a little sister to me.

Rue: I mean, I did get a little upset at Thresh after that "Everyone" episode when he was being so rude to Clove...

Thresh: And we're both so stubborn that we'll never agree about that but we've decided to forget it.

Me: Well, ok. Next. Thresh, do you like dog biscuits?

Thresh: Why would I like dog biscuits...?

Me: Do you?

Thresh: No...

Me: That's all! I only have three days more of questions, so make sure to comment a lot! And vote! Bye!

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