Episode 15 - Careers

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Well, you demanded details about Cato and Clove *thank you* so, here you go! We've got all the Careers with us today!


Marvel: Gee. Thanks. I wonder who they like.

Glimmer: Such a mystery.

Me: Oh, don't be babies. First question is for Clove.

Clove: Ok

Me: Clove, do you have a favorite knife?

Clove: Oh, that's a tough choice. I have to go with the 8" X-blade. Those are the best. They are sturdy and and balanced, and pretty deadly if you're a good shot.

Cato: Which you are.

Clove: Aw, thanks. *kisses Cato's cheek*

Crowd: Awwwwwww



Glimmer: RUN FOR IT!


Clove: Ellie, calm down. Control the fangirl. That's right.

Me: Thanks, Clove. YOU GUYS CAN CONE BACK NOW! Anyway, next question, for Cato.

Cato: All right.

Me: Do you get overprotective when Clove is around Thresh?

Clove: He gets overprotective when I'm around my little brother.

Cato: I do not!

Clove: Oh really? When he tried to give me a hug before we left this morning, you said, "Stay off my girlfriend, you punk." Then you tried to push him away.

Cato: Well...

Clove: He's eight.

Cato: Ok, maybe I'm a little overprotective-

Clove: A lot overprotective.

Cato: Fine. Anyway, I may be a little overprotective, but I have good reason to be. I mean, I watched her die, helpless. I don't want that to happen again. I don't want to lose her.

Me: Awwwwww

Glimmer: You keep that fangirl under control or I'm going to show you just how good I am with a knife.

Me: You have a weapon?!

Glimmer: Well, duh.

Me: Ugh.

Marvel: She always has a weapon. And a smoke bomb, in case she sees some bees.

Glimmer: Marvel, that's not funny.

Me: Yeah, Marvel, that was cold.

Clove: Almost as cold as Ellie's heart.

Me: Hey!

Marvel: Oh...that's really cold...

Glimmer: Yeah.

Me: I am offended!

Cato: So be offended.

Me: I will be.

Clove: Cool.

Me: *sigh* Anyway, on to the next question. Glimmer.

Glimmer: Yes?

Me: Do you know that you were not good at archery?

Glimmer: *blink*

Me: Well?

Glimmer: Was that the same person who said people hated me...?

Me: Let's see... Alexaro5e... Yep. Same girl.

Glimmer: I really don't like that girl.

Me: I think the feeling is mutual. Now answer her question.

Glimmer: *sigh* I know I'm no Katniss, but I'm not that bad.

Marvel: Yeah, right, and I'm no good with a spear.

Cato: And I'm no good with a sword.

Clove: And I'm no good with knives.

Me: And I'm no good at freaking everyone out by going all "rapid fangirl."

Glimmer: -_- you guys are mean.

Me: I try. Next question! Are Cato and Clove going to get married?

Cato: Do we not get any privacy?!

Me: No!

Clove: Well, Cato hasn't asked, and we're kinda young, so...

Me: But do you plan to?

Cato: Eventually. But I'm 17. She's 15. We're still pretty young.

Me: Fine. Next question. Marvel.

Marvel: Wha?

Me: Do you have your own...brand...of cereal...?

Marvel: No...but that's a great idea! We could call it Marvelous flakes, and it'd be-

Glimmer: No.

Marvel: But-

Glimmer: No.

Marvel: Fine.

Me: Last question!!

Clove: Finally.

Cato: We've been sitting for hours.

Me: It's only been like fifteen minutes.

Glimmer: It's seemed like hours.

Me: Whatever. Want the last question or not?

All: YES!

Me: Ok! Ok! Here it is: Have you guys kept up training for the Hunger Games after you got revived?

Glimmer: No...

Clove: Why would we do that...?

Cato: We can't exactly go back into the Games.

Marvel: I've kept up training. *flexes his muscle-less arm*

Glimmer: Oh, so strong.

Me: I bet you could lift a tractor.

Marvel: -_-

Cato and Clove: WHALE FACE!

Marvel: What?

Me: You had to be there. Anyway, that's all! Remember to send in your questions and vote! Bye!

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