Episode 6 - Mrs. Everdeen

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Welcome, welcome! Time for your favorite time of day, Capitol TV!

Crowd: *cheers*

Me: Our special guest today is.... *drumroll* Mrs. Everdeen!

Crowd: *unenthusiastic cheering*

Mrs. Everdeen: Thank you.

Me: So, before we get to your question, I want to ask you something. Why are you so against your daughter dating?

Mrs. Everdeen: Well, she's too young.

Me: Why do you think that? Plenty of kids across the country are dating at that age. They're old enough to fight in the Hunger Games! Surely dating isn't that lethal!

Mrs. Everdeen: My baby is much too young to be hanging out with boys, and kissing and everything that comes with it.

Me: Why?

Mrs. Everdeen: I think it's something you'll understand when you're older, Ellie, and have children of your own.

Crowd: Oooooooooooh

Me: *turns beet red*

Crowd: *laughs*

Me: Ok then. Anyway, our question is: Did you ever find a new love?

Mrs. Everdeen: Certainly not.

Me: Care to elaborate:

Mrs. Everdeen: I loved my husband. I still love him. I don't think I can love anyone else. It's not like I haven't thought about it, because I have. But I can't love anyone except him.

Me: Awwwwwwww

Crowd: Awwwwwwwwww

Katniss and Prim: Ew Mom

Me: Get off the stage!

Mrs. Everdeen: What are you two doing here? Go home and finish your chores!

Katniss and Prim: *blush and leave*

Me: Well, thank you Mrs. Everdeen!

Crowd: *cheers*

Mrs. Everdeen: Thank you for having me!

Me: Well, that's all! Comment your questions, and make sure to vote if this was entertaining! Chao!

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