Episode 37 - Engaged!!

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Who's excited to see the Capitol's new favorite couple??

Random guy: CLATO!

Me: No!

Random girl: EVERLARK!

Me: No!

Another random girl: FANNIE!

Me: No...

Another random boy: GADGE?


Crowd: *cheering*

Chase: Thanks! Kieran's not here...right...?

Me: He's probably backstage, but hey, he can't get onstage.


Me: Aw, I think he's over you guys.

Demetria: Thank the Lord!

Me: Anyway, after we learned that you, Chase, are the son of the dynamic duo, Beetee and Wiress, and that you're ENGAGED! we had some questions.

Chase: All right. But how did you not know I was their kid? It says right on your tablet there that I'm Chase Latier. That's also my dad's last name.

Me: True...I'm too lazy to put two and two together. I prefer asking the questions, not solving mysteries.

Chase: Right...just ask already.

Me: Ok! First is my own. When did this happen??

Demetria: Two days ago. We weren't exactly ready for the whole country to know yet, but whatever.

Me: All right, sounds reasonable. Chase, Alexaro5e from the interview wants to know, now that you're friends, if she's invited to the wedding?

Chase: Sure, I guess. We haven't exactly worked out a guest list yet.

Me: True. Demetria, Alexa wants details about your love life.

Demetria: Uh...I just got engaged? I'm bad at girl talk...I don't know...

Me: Eh, ok. How did you die?

Demetria: Oh, you know, I'm your average bloodbath tribute. I think I got stabbed, but it was in the back, so I'm not sure. I never felt like watching a tape to see, of course. Who would want to watch themselves die?

Chase: I had to watch myself die...

Me: Poor baby. Back to your girlfriend. Was it Cato that killed you?

Demetria: No, I know that. They told me it was Clove.

Me: Hmm, the fan episode must have been hard then.

Demetria: Yeah...

Me: She probably doesn't remember.

Demetria: Let's not-


Chase: Wait, what...?

Me: We'll be back after this short break!






















Clove: Can I pleeeease go home?

Me: No!

Clove: I don't want to do this on live television!!

Me: Too bad! You have to!

Chase: I think we're on...

Me: Oh, sorry! We are! Here we go! Clove, Demetria, go.

Demetria: Um...hi...

Clove: *not making eye contact* Hi...

Chase: Ellie, you are so good at making things awkward

Me: It's a special talent. Now, one of you talk.

Clove: Does this have to happen on live television?

Me: Yes.

Demetria: *sigh* Great.

Clove: I'm sorry I killed you...I had to...

Demetria: I know. It's fine. Happy, Ellie?

Me: Hug.

Clove: Really?

Me: Yep. Go on. Hug each other.

Demetria: I hate hugs.

Me: Do it.

Clove: *hugs Demetria for half a second* Can I go now...?

Me: Fine. Bye!

Chase: Let's move on...

Me: Last question! Alexa wants to know if she can be friends with you, Demetria.

Demetria: Sure.

Me: Ok! That's all for today! Question and vote everyone! Bye!

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