Chapter 11

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They scouted the city looking for food and luckily found a not completely broken down McDonald's.

The group rushed into the room and started chugging down the food and drinks. It was like they hadn't eaten in days.

"So how do we trap them in the room?" Jon asked with his mouth full with chicken. "We're gonna figure that out later. Lars and I." Tord answered with his mouth equally full of chicken.

Edd was eating a great deal too until he looked up and paused in surprise. Everyone realised what Edd did and looked at him with anticipation and fear. Was it a mutant? Did Matt and Mark become strong enough to fight in daylight?

"IS THAT COLA?!" Edd shrieked with overflowing joy. Edwardo whipped himself around to see a vending machine.

"DIET COLA?!" He gleefully screamed.

"WAIT I DON'T HAVE COINS!" Edd yelled as he frantically checked his pockets. "NOR DO I!" Edwardo replied back.

"You know... You can just... Break the machine?" Tom suggested.

Edd and Edwardo looked at him and then at eachother. Edd picked up a chair from beside him and gave it to Edwardo.

He knew what to do.

Edwardo rammed the chair into the glass of the vending machine screaming, "TO COLA!"

A glass shatter later, Edd and Edwardo were chugging can afyer can if cola.

"We need to find mirrors." Lars remarked. He finished eating and went to search for a sink.
"We can search the city. How hard can it be?" Jon commented.

"We saw some mirrors on the way here..."

Everyone stopped. They were speechless. Their hearts sank. Some couldn't move. Some held their breath.

They looked pale at the two figures standing at the broken door of the McDonald's shop.

It was Matt and Mark. They stepped into the flickering light of the room to make themselves more visible. Their human to eyes were dully lit by it. Their clothes were dirty and they looked guilty.

"Don't worry. We're normal. We go back to normal in the day. " Said Matt.

Just then Tord yelled, "WHAT'S UP WITH PEOPLE RANDOMLY APPEARING OUT OF NOWHERE. WHAT THE HECKKKK!" And his confused screaming made sense based on how people did come out of nowhere.

The room became silent again.

"I want this thing out of me. We want everything to go back to the way it was. When the only animals were our pets. No blood was spilled-" Mark began.

"RINGO!" Edd yelled in panic. He pushed off all the cans on himself and ran past the table where everyone else was.

"OH GOD..."

A minute later and everyone was running towards their houses to find their pets.

Ringo, was Edd's cat. She is a small tabby cat with green eyes, gray fur and dark grey stripes.

Riley, on the other hand, is Edwardo's dog. He was a large golden retriever with Hazel eyes and white paws.

The group ran to their houses but stopped dead in their tracks when they were a few feet away.

"Why did I not expect that?"

Before them were two extremely broken down houses. Only the first floor stood. The rest was crushed and broken.

"This is what we did?" Mark asked quietly. He had been beating himself up with guilt of the event.

"Well, not exactly... To be honest... There was some dude operating a crane that kinda trashed the entire city..." Tom answered, "Somehow..."

A whimper was heard from a small hole in a small part of dibree of the houses. Edwardo ran to it. He began digging a bigger hole to get a look at what was making the noise.

The others followed behind him and moved the rubble and rocks that Edwardo threw out of his way.

He was frantically digging and was tiring himself up pretty quickly but as soon as he heard another whimper, he couldn't stop. He'd know that whimper from anywhere. It was Riley.

Finally, when the hole was big enough. Edwardo yelled out, "RILEY! And a fat grey cat?"

He scopped the big fluffy dog which was now covered in dust and dirt. When he held him, he saw at the very bottom of the hole, a cat.

Edd, who was peering from the side now stretched his arms out to Ringo who slowly crawled up into his hands.

Ringo was trembling in fear and cuddled up to most of the people except Matt. She continuously hissed at him.

Riley was joyous to see Edwardo. He couldn't stop wagging his tail. He ran in circles and pounced on Edwardo, Jon and Lars. But when he saw Mark, he gave out a low growl. A warning.

Mark and Matt were pretty hurt by their pet's reaction's to themselves but they couldn't really do anything. They had demons inside of them. Of course the possibility of their pets going wild on seeing, hearing or sniffing them was an option.

It was mentioned in a lot of books on unnatural things that animals had the power to feel ghosts and spirits.

Obviously the ones inside Matt and Mark had no hope of becoming good by the way they were treated by their pets.

"We can't waste daylight. We must hurry." Lars commented.

Edd picked up Ringo and was about to start walking with her but she jumped down from his arms and went next to Riley. They both walked together.

Riley was following Edwardo so Ringo joined in following him too. On seeing the little train behind Edwardo, Edd huffed. Tom saw his reaction and just chuckled. Matt and Mark were up ahead with Tord and Lars.

Jon was walking behind slowly but he was made to switch places with Tom mainly because he wasn't strong enough to fight incase there was an emergency.

Up ahead, the four young men were looking from left to right for mirrors. Big mirrors.

They found a broken mall.

'Star Mall'

Star Mall was a famous mall in their city. It was broken and glass was shattered. The roof was ripped apart and beside it lay a crane, which was similarly broken too.

Everyone cautiously entered the mall. They made four groups of two to find mirrors.

Tord and Lars
Matt and Mark
Edd and Edwardo
Jon and Tom

Each group to a floor and began searching.

They had their pets along with them as they searched. Riley and Ringo were busy sniffing about in the shops while the two searched.

"You know, I never saw Riley... Not even heard her!" Edd remarked. He picked up two flashlights from one of the shelves of the shop and gave one to Edwardo.

"He's pretty quite" Edwardo answered. He looked behind to see Riley and Ringo slowly following them while sniffing the shops.

"WE'VE FOUND MIRRORS!" Jon yelled. His voice echoed throughout the mall. He and Tom were on the 2nd floor. Everyone gathered there.

Matt and Mark got the first. Matt ran full speed to find the mirrors but smacked into one so hard he fainted. He wasn't able to see his reflection since he was a vampire.

Mark pulled him aside and kept him on a nearby bench. When the rest came, they were puzzled on Matt's untimely and awkward sleep until Mark explained what had happened.

"Okay... Now we just have to go to that room and get everything ready before night..."

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