Chp 4

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"Wakey wakey, Mattt!~" A voice called. Matt struggling to his feet, looked around him. There was smoke everywhere. With red lights blaring from somewhere. There were huge shadows of figures somehow seen on the fog. They were walking around. But he then saw a darker shadow with red glowing eyes and a red glowing mouth walk towards him slowly. Matt started to walk back, but the shadow just came forward. Closed the distance between  eachother. The shadow was smirking and floating on the smoke. Matt started to run. He ran and ran and ran. But the figure always covered the distance easily. The figure rolled it's eyes and stopped. Matt knew that because that's how Tom would roll his eyes, which weren't really eyes. Just as he thought the figure was going to go, it lunged forward and went through Matt and went behind him. Mixing with Matt's already barely visible shadow. But because the shadow had entered it, Matt's shadow was darker.
"This is a dream... This is a dream... This is a dream!" Matt panicked and repeated continuously. "Wake up, Matt , Wake up-" He began to mutter but was cut off by the voice. "This isn't a dream~" the voice answered in a whisper sing-song way. But it still echoed throughout wherever Matt was. "Where am I? What are you? Where... Where are my friends?!" He screamed into the smoke. He aimlessly paced into circles. He had a huge feeling the voice didn't really have a body, but he held onto some hope that a figure would appear. But nothing did. The voice boomed again. "Awww! Matt, where are You goingg?" It mocked. "There's still so much you need to see! So much to do. So much to learn. So much... To figure out... You can't leave!" "I am! I'll leave this place and NEVER return!" Matt answered walking straight ahead.
"You can't, you idiot. There are no doors." The voice replied with annoyance. "Which makes it easier!" Matt answered. By now, he was running straight ahead. Pleading to find a door. Or anything that resembled an exit out of the hellish looking place. "How dim can you be? If the place has no doors, YOU CAN'T ENTER OR EXIT!" the voice answered annoyed. "THEN HOW DID I LAND HERE? HUH?! I CAN LEAVE THIS PLACE." Matt screamed and ran faster, but he tripped on his own feet and fell to the ground. The voice was silent for a few seconds, like it was thinking what to say next. "Yeah, yeah you're right... How Did u enter here if there were no doors... I should... I should work on how i describe this place... Hey, no one really pointed that out to me in my years of being dead, how rude... Anyway, hey, where did you go?" It felt like the voice was searching for Matt. There were bright red eyes that could be seen on the fog. They probably belonged to the thing that was trapping Matt here. Matt had been hiding behind a rock. But it was only a matter of time till the thing found him. He began to hyperventilate and panic. His eyes searched through the fog aimlessly. He began to cry, but quietly. He sensed the voice was angry that it couldn't find Matt. Matt went over whatever had happened when he first found himself in there. He followed through the entire thing. He tried and tried again to wake himself up but it wasn't working. "MATT! GET OUT FROM WHERE YOU'RE HIDING! IT'S REDICULUS! I'LL FIND YOU! I ALWAYS DO. NO. ONE. CAN ESCAPE ME!" the voice bellowed.
"Are you ready? OK, and, 3. 2. 1. Andddd now!"
Matt lifted his head. This wasn't the voice. But he heard it? How? This must be a dream! He couldn't do anything to wake himself up, but the other voice could. It seemed to be on his side. ' I'm here...' he thought and looked around to search for another differently coloured pair of eyes.
"MATT! GET. OUT." the voice boomed again. This time, the ground shook along with it.
The voice, after screaming, chuckled darkly. "You don't give up, do you?" Matt could feel the figure close to the rock. He felt so scared he could literally run a hundred marathons and come back alive. He could run around the world a million times and do it again even if it meant seeing his family and friends again. "You're good at hide and seek... I never loved that game though, but, since you gave me a challenge today, I'll let you be..." The voice said. Matt sighed loudly, but he underestimated how loud he was. The shadow heard it and swiftly picked Matt by his jacket and dangled him a good 3 meters off the ground. "Nice hiding spot" the voice said in satisfaction. "But, I am a man of my words." It said, "I'll get you another time. But for now, go along" The shadow dropped Matt into a portal sort of thing.
Matt now saw black. And suddenly red again, he opened his eyes in panic and looked around. He was still hyperventilating and searching for the smoke. He began to calm down after seeing a few doctors and nurses surround him. ' They'll laugh at me if I say I'm afraid of them...' Matt thought. He figured out he was in the hospital. He could see his friends' outlines though the closed window blinds. He figured Edd was pacing about and deeply thinking. Tom was sitting and looking at the ground and Tord was talking something. Edd and Tom seemed to disagree with something Tord said. Matt saw a doctor that was next to him leave the room and talk to Edd. Everyone else cleared out and a nurse opened the window blinds and left. Matt looked at his friends. He managed make eye contact with Edd who was worried as hell. Matt had never seen him so worried in his life. Tord asked the doctor something to which the doctor replied more. Edd was still looking at Matt but Tom and Tord were listening closely to the doctor. Tord tugged on Edd's sleeve indicating that the conversation with the doctor was over and they could enter the room Matt was in. Edd smiled at the doctor and then walked into the room with Tom. Tord looked around before entering the room and closed the door.
Matt was focused on Edd the entire time. And Edd was focused on Matt. Tord took a deep breath and was about to say something but Tom stopped him. A doctor also entered the room. "Do you know your name?" The doctor asked. "Yes, It's Matt. Matt Hargrave" Matt answered. "What do you remember last?" The doctor questioned. "I last remember... Sleeping... It was late night... I had pizza..." Matt answered holding his head. "Do you remember the day? Or what you had done a bit before that?" The doctor asked again. "yes. I ate too much pizza and my stomach began to hurt." Matt answered. He squinted his eyes trying to remember what had actually happened to him. "Do you know these gentlemen here?" The doctor asked. "Of course i do! They're my friends! Edd, Tom and Tord." Matt said easily, to which the doctor nodded and left the room.
Matt looked at his friends in confusion. "I was only gone for a night... What's that scary?" He said. "Matt, you-" Edd began but hid his face. He wasn't able to finish the sentence because he was too horrified to, so Tord did. "You fainted. Matt you fainted, you were brought to the hospital and you weren't responding for a week. Matt, you were in a coma." 

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