Chapter 5

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Matt laughed weakly but stopped when he saw that everyone's face was very much concerned. "Coma?" He muttered, "But... Last I remember being in a..." He trailed off becoming quieter towards the end. "A room? Red in colour? With no doors?" Tord completed Matt's sentence with questions. Matt looked at him with surprise. "You... You were there too!?" He said holding his head. Everyone was now looking at Tord in confusion. "No, I've read of it... In books, on the internet." He said. "But I couldn't get a lot other than what I said from both sources."
Edd and Tom were puzzled. They looked from Matt to Tord a few times before someone came in rushing through the door. It was Matt's mother followed by his father. "Matt! My poor baby!" She cried and hugged Matt. His father followed after her and held Matt's hand and looked at him worridly. "You ok, bud?" He said softly. Matt weakly said that he was fine and that he remembered everything. "I hope you boys don't mind, we want to stay with Matt for a few days." His mother said. All of them agreed and Matt went with his parents.
Edd, Tom and Tord got back in the car. No one moved a muscle when they got it. All of them seemed agitated and Edd was most confused and worried. He managed to speak, "What, the hell was that conversation about red rooms with no doors supposed to be about?!" He said, he seemed angry too. That Matt and Tord told him nothing about what was going on. "It was a hunch." Tord said. "A hunch? What, Matt's life is some kind of investigation for you!?" He raised his voice. "Why would I tell you guys something I wasn't sure of!?" Tord raised his voice too. "I wasn't part of this! Maybe if you had decided to really dig deep and pluck the problem out of his mouth, this wouldn't have happened!" "AND YOU COULDN'T?!" Edd screamed angrily, he whipped his body around to face Tord and glared daggers into him. "YOU KNOW I'M NOT GOOD WITH THAT STUFF!" Tord screamed back. "Humans HAVE feelings, Tord. HAVE YOU HEARD OF THEM?!" Edd screamed back. Tord got offended enough. He lifted his hands to hit Edd but Tom, who was silent the entire time, finally intervined and stopped Tord. "Fighting won't help." He said firmly. "Just... Calm down... We've dealt with zombies, space monsters, huge evil Easter bunnies, we can figure this out... But we'd get nowhere if we blame each other." Tom said and started the car. All of them kept quiet on the ride home. They entered the house quietly, they spent the rest of the day seperately, no one said a word even during dinner(which was again bought). But before all of them could departe to sleep, Tom spoke. "Are we going to ignore what's been happening to Matt?" Tord and Edd looked at Tom. All three sat down on the sofa. "Where'd you get the information from, Tord?" Edd spoke. "A website."
"Yeah no kidding, I thought Elmo appeared and gave it to you!" Edd replied sarcastically. Tom chuckled at that and Tord just made a done-with-life face.
"The website talked about a shadow that exsists. It's power grows every Halloween. He targets people and then, words of the website, turns them into vampires." Tord stopped to see the reactions of Tom and Edd. They both looked thoughtful as they tried to take in the wild, not very reasonable story. "So you're saying, that Matt, on Halloween will turn into a vampire?" Tom confirmed, he sounded like he wasn't really convinced. "Just a theory." Tord replied and looked at Edd who was still thinking. "His parents won't believe us. Nor will he. What do we do?" Edd asked. "More important, how do we stop this dude from controlling Matt and turning him into a vampire?" Tom asked. Tord replied almost instantly, like he was ready for that question since the day he was born. "Almost everyone who was possessed by this dude never made it alive. Apparantly, he killed his victims after Halloween and went for a new one." "Almost?" Edd spoke up. "Some bro in the US. But he's dead now. Died due to natural causes." Tord said.
"So what do we do?" Tom asked.
"Ask the devil? The creep probably came straight from the pits of hell." Edd responded. "But we destroyed the lift after we all saw what our hell looked like!" Tom replied. "Then we'll make another one." Tord said in triumph. "And how the bloody hell do we do that?" Tom asked, annoyed at Tord's extremely stupid idea. "Do You have any better ideas, Mr.Drunk?" Tord replied. "Then it's settled. We make the lift." Edd broke the fight with his decision.
"Where do we get the parts of the lift from? Where do we even find the blueprint for the lift? Does anyone even remember how exactly we even assembled it!? We don't even have the space! And I DON'T want another god damn hole in the house!" Tom began to rant about how the plan was extremely stupid and they should probably find another way but Edd had other plans...
"OK. Here's the plan. We brake into IKEA at midnight, steal the components for the lift. Find a dark and scary back alley, summon an angry spirit, get spirit into a bottle, build the lift and then visit hell right then and there!" Edd said proudly. Tom's fight to warn his friends of how stupid the idea was failed miserably, but hey, this is how all of their adventures started didn't it? Can't really fight with that... "We shall go tomorrow! For today it is late." Tord said and yawned. Edd nodded and went up to his room. This left Tom to close all the lights and doors of the house alone.
Shifting our focus back to Matt, his parents were dearly worried. They kept on asking him questions on the way to their house Matt tried to answer most of the questions but really couldn't answer that truthfully... He didn't expect his parents to believe him when he said a shadow was haunting him. They'd think it would be an after effect on the coma. So he answered the questions as sanely as possible. They finally reached their house and Matt's mother made dinner. They caught up on daily things while eating and then went to sleep. Just as Matt could fall asleep, he saw the shadow. Or at least... That's what he thinks. He saw it faint on the wall. He was already sleepy and the shadow was just hear to make things worse...
"Matt! Do you know how close we are!?" The shadow boomed gleefully. Although, Matt was the only one to hear it. "It's almost Halloween!" It continued. "What... What happens on-on Halloween..?" Matt gathered the courage to mutter the question, which the shadow heard loud and clear. "Something special!" It said in a wicked way. And then let out a sick laugh. One that made Matt's stomach flip twice. His stomach hurt, his head hurt, his mouth was itching, his eyes hurt. "This is... going to be a long night..." Matt thought to himself. "It is." The shadow replied. "Oh yes, did I forget to mention, from time to time i can read your thoughts? Oh I probably didn't, I'm really getting old..."
Matt was in his room, he hugged the blanket his parents gave him in fear, praying for a way to end it all. To make the shadow stop haunting him. He just wanted an end. He felt like a fool to not tell his friends about it earlier. Tord knew about this! They could have helped him so much! And now they just think that I'm having some health problems, it was never that!
Matt began to hyperventilate. "Maybe... Maybe I'm just imagining things, you aren't real! You're,... A hallucination! I created... You.... Be-because I was... Was bored!" He whisper-screamed. The shadow just chuckled. "We'll see about that tomorrow morning!" He then slipped and joined back into Matt's shadow. Matt probably fainted, because when he got up, he felt weird. It was more of a good weird. His pain just vanished, in a flash! He did find the place completely dirty though. The window was open, there were clothes on the floor, it was like he sleep walked and thrashed the room. His mother knocked on the door, "Dear, can I come in?" She asked. "The door's open, ma" Matt said and sat up straight. His mother tried to open the door but it was locked. "It's locked, dear! Maybe you forgot about it!" She called from the other side of the door. That's strange...  Matt never remembered ever locking the door of the room because he feared the shadow enough to keep his door open and a light on. He looked around for the night light, it was off! Matt slowly got out of the bed and opened the door. "Sorry, for the mess. I wasn't feeling myself last night..." He said gloomily. He really wasn't feeling himself last night... He had this feeling of complete happiness but wrongness at the same time. It was like... When you cheat on a test and get full marks, but you very well know you don't deserve it. But this time... Into 100. His mother didn't pay much attention to his room though. She cupped his face and smiled at her handsome son standing right in front of her. "You father went out to run some errands, i made breakfast, get ready and eat!" She exclaimed. She let go of his face and made her way to another part of the appartment they lived in.
Matt got ready and went into the living room where the T.V was on. He took the cup of tea his mother had prepared for him. He heard the news.
"Recently, there have been an attack in the city. 3 men were attacked yesterday at a time around close to midnight. They are in a grave condition and are now at the hospital. The young adults were living in a house on {name of street where EDDSWORLD house is cuz I'm lazy}, apparently, the fourth had gone out somewhere when the others were attacked-"
Matt dropped his mug.

"You'll find out tomorrow morning!~"

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