Chapter 8

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"ok... Come on. We've got some reading to do" Edd said. He walked towards a small stand with information on the floors of the library. Tom and Tord followed right behind him.

"Vampires are on the third floor." Tord said and pointed to a place where 'blood suckers' was written along with 'third floor' beside it.

If there was one thing, the library was, it was quite. Which was surprising considering they were in hell. They reached the third floor and opened the door.

Suddenly, the entire floor turned into a cloud of black smoke. A face popped up in front of them. "What do you- oh. Visitors. Long term or short term?" The face asked.

"Short term?" Tom said. "What do you want to know?" The face asked.


"Rare shit right there... Are you guys Undead-busters or something?" The face asked. He then moved around the fog and started to look for books about vampires.

"You're... Not what I expected..." Tom said. He was brought up with the thing that only sinners go to hell. This face didn't seem like a sinner...

"Yeah. I cheated in a lot of tests and exams. So, I was given this librarian job. Plus, hell isn't at all what you earth-livers think." He answered.

"Ah! Here we are!" He sighed with satisfaction. A book flew from near and landed in Edd's hand.

All of them looked at the book. 'Vampires' was written on it. "Thanks!" Tord replied. He quickly took the book and started to walk, the others following behind him.

They quickly walked out of hell and entered the lift. "You guys already got the book?" The dead girl possessing the lift said when she saw the book in Tord's hands.

"I'm surprised..." the girl continued. By that time, everyone was in the lift. The lift rumbled and then began to move upwards.

"You guys better let me out once you reach the surface!" She warned. Everyone nodded.

"Open the book. We don't have much time." Tom mumbled. Suddenly, the lift stopped. "What did you do?" Edd asked the girl.

"We reached. Get out and let me out." The doors opened to show the dark alley of where they started. All of them stepped out and dismantled the lift. The dead girl was set free.

They brisk walked towards the car but stopped in their tracks to see a broken city in front of them. Buildings with broken windows. People screaming and chaos.

They then heard a unfamiliarly familiarly cackle. One that made, even Tord, freeze with fear. The cackle sounded insane. Wild. Evil.

They slowly turned towards the place where the sound came from. But by the time they did, the person was gone.

"IN THE CAR!" Tord yelled and ran to it taking the keys. Luckily the car was untouched during the ruining of the city.

"YEAH IN THE CAR BUT WHERE ARE WE GONNA GO?!" Tom yelled back. All of them were scurring into the car. Tord in the driver's seat, Edd beside him with the book and Tom behind.

There was silence in the car. "Good question..." Tord mumbled. Just then, a flying man zipped past them. "I think we just got our answer..." Tord said. He slammed his foot on the accelerator and followed the man.

The man didn't realise that he was being followed. The entire city was in ruins with buildings exploding and people screaming. How would he?

Tord kept his eyes up on the figure. He barely saw the road ahead. It was the occasional screams of his friends that made him look at the road. And those screams were almost every few seconds.

"TORD! THE ROAD IS BLOCKED!" Edd screamed and pointed to a fallen tree in the middle of the road. Tord took a second to look ahead and realise what was going on.

They went over a speed breaker and then Tord kicked his foot on the breaks. They stopped right before the tree. The flying man going ahead of them but Edd couldn't care less. He didn't even realise anything about the man.

"TORD THE BOOK! IT FELL OUT OF THE CAR. GO BACK!" he screamed. He opened his window completely and peaked out to see the book a few meters away from the car on the cracked road.

Everything fell silent. The people must have left... Everything that could have exploded did. And... There was a small possibility... The flying man heard Edd too...

Tord whipped back to try and see the book. Tom was kneeling on the back seat and peering behind.

"A book?" Said the figure. He stopped flying and walked down towards them. It was Matt. He looked insane. Wild. His hair was all over the place. His eyes were glowing bright red and his canines were sharp as frick.

A grin was forming on his pale face. He was breathing heavily. All three of them stared at the man they called their friend.

A chuckle escaped from 'Matt's' mouth. Just as he was about to speak, a howl was heard. 'Matt' stopped. He looked at the direction from where the howl came. "I was just starting to have fun!" He grumbled loudly.

He bent and then jumped off the ground into the air to follow the howl. It was coming from the same woods they three left Matt at. Someone else was with Matt...

"Why. Why'd he leave?" Matt stuttered out. "Because of that." Edd pointed to sun rising sun ahead of them. Vampires burn up in the sun. It made sense he ran away. But what didn't, was the howl. Everyone exited the car and quietly looked at the sun.

"I thought I was going to die!" Tom exclaimed. He was so happy he was still alive, he hugged the nearest person next to him.

That person was Tord. But Tord didn't mind. He just hugged him back. He understood why Tom did that. Then Tom took it to another level by hugging him harder and lifting him up.

And since Tord was a lot shorter than Tom, he could only kick his legs and protest. "Okay, Tom. I get you're happy... But Put. Me. Down. " Tom, who at this point realised what he did, let go of Tord almost immediately.

They akwardly looked around for a few seconds. "You know... Those were some pretty cool reflexes back there..." Tom said. This made Tord smile. And that smile made Tom smile.

"If only Susan survived..." Tom sighed. "She did." Tord replied. "I kept her in the basement. I guess hiding her really did help." He said. Tom chuckled to that.

"Hey, do you remember how we even started to dislike eachother?" Tom asked. He began to think deeply on why they bickered so much. He couldn't think of something so severe that made him want to fight Tord all the time.

Tord, on the other hand, without missing a second replied, "Our voice actors kinda dislike eachother." This earned a surprised stare from Tom.

"We were having a moment, Tord. Why."

Tord just shrugged. He looked at the broken city. "Our home is gone... Again." Tom sighed.

"Well, this isn't exactly my home... To be ho-"
"Tord shut up. "
"Just saying"
How do you manage to ruin things like this?"
I dun-"

"Guys! The book!" Edd called out. They snapped back to the sad reality they were in. Edd ran to them with the book in his hands.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Are you ready?" Tord mocked back. "What kind of answer is that? No. No I'm not. I need a beer and a vacation before I open this book and save one of my best friends."

Edd and Tom stared at Tord. "Of course I'm ready! Open it!" He exclaimed. "Now I won't open it!" Edd replied. He crossed his arms. "You guys act like complete children half of the time..." Tom said in annoyance.

He snatched the book from Edd's hand and flipped to a page. "Oh you've got to be kidding me. " He mumbled even more annoyed.

Tord, now curious on Tom's choice of words peeped into the book. "jeg vil drepe den dumme sky-ansikt bibliotekaren" he said. "tom, har du tilfeldigvis et våpen? eller kanskje du edd?"

"Tord. English!" Edd said. "And what's the matter with the book?" Edd came closer to the book and peeped into it.

"Oh God."

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